CoQ10 Fertility: Benefits, Side Effects & Every Question Answered!

Discover the benefits of CoQ10 fertility supplements like Health Nutrition CoQ10, how they can enhance reproductive health, and everything you need to know.

  (photo credit: FitLiving graphics team)
(photo credit: FitLiving graphics team)

Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, has drawn a lot of interest in the field of fertility. This strong antioxidant, which our bodies make naturally, plays an important part in how cells generate energy and prevent any damage from oxidation.

As more couples struggle to have kids, scientists have started to investigate how CoQ10 may help boost fertility. They want to see if this antioxidant can improve reproductive health and help people have an easier time conceiving.

In this article, we’ll explore the science behind the enzyme and its connection to fertility, exploring how it may benefit both men and women. We will also shed light on how CoQ10 fertility supplements like Health Nutrition CoQ10 may boost your chances of having a baby, even improving IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) success rates.

Understanding CoQ10 and Its Role in Fertility

In the following sections, we dive into what CoQ10 is, how it supports reproductive health, and explore its potential benefits for fertility treatments.

What Is CoQ10? 

Coenzyme Q10, also called CoQ10, is a compound found in every cell of the human body. This essential substance impacts cellular energy production and serves as a strong antioxidant [1]. Organs with high energy needs, like the heart, liver, kidneys, and pancreas, contain a lot of CoQ10 [2].

How CoQ10 Functions in the Body

CoQ10 influences how cells generate energy in the mitochondria, which people often call the cell's powerhouses [1]. It plays a key role in helping mitochondria work well. There, it aids in changing the food we eat into energy ATP (adenosine triphosphate) [2]. This process is vital to many body functions, including reproduction.

The antioxidant properties of CoQ10 also have a crucial role in protecting cells from oxidative damage caused by harmful free radicals [1]. This protection matters for reproductive cells, which oxidative stress affects [3].

CoQ10 Levels and Age

As people age, their natural CoQ10 levels drop [1] [2]. This reduction in CoQ10 has an influence on many health areas, including fertility [2]. The age-linked decrease in CoQ10 matters a lot to reproductive health because it happens at the same time as the natural fertility decline that comes with aging [4].

What Is the Link Between CoQ10 and Fertility?

The link between CoQ10 and fertility has many aspects and affects both men's and women's ability to have children. Here's how CoQ10 has an impact on fertility:

  • Egg Quality - CoQ10 has an influence on egg quality by promoting oxidative stress reduction [3]. This matters because one’s egg quality affects one's chances of getting pregnant.
  • Ovarian Reserve - Research suggests that CoQ10 might boost ovarian reserve in older women [4]. This is key since ovarian reserve tends to drop as women age.
  • Sperm Quality - CoQ10 is connected to better sperm quality. It boosts sperm movement, enhances their shape, and strengthens their DNA [3].
  • Energy Production - Creating babies requires a lot of energy. CoQ10 helps create this energy necessary for reproduction[1].
  • Mitochondrial Function - CoQ10 impacts oocyte quality. It protects mitochondria from oxidative damage and helps to produce ATP [3].
  • Fertilization Rates - Research shows that CoQ10 fertility supplements can boost egg health and fertilization rates. Women who took these fertility supplements for 60 days or more saw better results [3].

Studies indicate mature oocytes have much higher CoQ10 levels than dysmorphic oocytes [4]. Researchers have also found that grade I-II embryos contain more CoQ10 than grade III-IV embryos [4].

CoQ10 has a big impact on fertility. It helps improve egg and sperm quality, boosts mitochondrial function, and shields reproductive cells from damage caused by oxidative stress. However, as we age, our bodies make less CoQ10.

Fertility awareness can be a game-changer, especially for those struggling to conceive or facing age-related challenges. Understanding the role of supplements could be the key to turning dreams of parenthood into reality. But remember, it's always a good idea to talk to a doctor before starting any new supplements.

CoQ10 Benefits for Fertility in Women

Coenzyme Q10 has caught the eye of many in the world of female fertility because it may help boost reproductive results. This strong antioxidant plays an important role in how cells make energy and how they defend against damage from oxidative stress. These are key things to keep in mind when it comes to CoQ10 benefits for fertility in females.

Improving Egg Quality

One of the main advantages of CoQ10 for female fertility is its impact on egg quality. Egg quality plays a key role in a person's chances of getting pregnant [3]. Research shows that CoQ10 fertility pills influence egg quality by guarding them against oxidative stress damage [3].

This protection matters because oxidative stress can harm the quality of oocytes and, in turn, affect fertility.

CoQ10 helps boost egg quality in a few different ways:

  1. Antioxidant Protection: CoQ10, a potent antioxidant, guards reproductive cells against free radical damage [5].
  2. Mitochondrial Function: CoQ10 has a significant impact on boosting oocyte quality by shielding mitochondria from oxidative harm and helping ATP production [5].
  3. Cellular Energy Production: CoQ10 boosts energy production in cells. This allows reproductive cells to work at their best, which has a positive impact on egg development [5].

Enhancing Ovarian Response

Taking CoQ10 fertility supplements has an impact on improving egg production for women facing specific fertility issues:

  1. Improved Follicular Development: Research on mice with induced ovary problems showed that CoQ10 had an impact on ovarian stem cells. It helped these cells, which come from the ovary's outer layer change and grow, leading to improved egg cell development [6].
  2. Increased Mature Follicles: Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) who didn't respond to clomiphene citrate treatment saw better results when they took clomiphene citrate and CoQ10 together. This combo led to more follicles than just clomiphene citrate on its own [5].
  3. Enhanced Ovulation Rates: The same research showed that women who took both clomiphene citrate and CoQ10 had higher chances of ovulating [5].
  4. Improved Endometrial Thickness: Taking CoQ10 fertility supplements led to a thicker endometrial lining, which plays a key role in successful embryo implantation [5].

Supporting IVF Outcomes

Taking CoQ10 supplements may help boost results for women going through IVF and other What is assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures:

  1. Increased Pregnancy Rates: One research in 2020 showed that ART patients who took CoQ10 fertility supplements got pregnant more often than those who took a placebo or no supplements [3].
  2. Improved Ovarian Response: A study of women in fertility treatment found that CoQ10 pretreatment led to more oocytes retrieved and higher fertilization rates [5].
  3. Enhanced Embryo Quality: The same study found that CoQ10 treatment in women led to more high-quality embryos and fewer canceled embryo transfers because of poor embryo growth [5].
  4. Increased Clinical Pregnancy Rate: A review of 5 randomized controlled trials revealed that infertile women taking CoQ10 supplements during ART had a higher clinical pregnancy rate than those given a placebo or no treatment (28.8% vs. 14.1%) [7].
  5. Improved Embryo Parameters: CoQ10 fertility pills had a positive impact on women with poor ovarian response. They saw an increase in the median number of high-quality embryos on day 3 [1 (0 2) vs. 0 (0, 1.75) embryos].

The median number of embryos per embryo transfer also went up [2 (1 2) vs. 1 (1 2)]. Plus, the share of embryos that could be frozen rose (18.4% vs. 4.3%) [7].

These findings look promising but keep in mind that we need more studies to determine CoQ10 fertility success in women. Scientists are still investigating whether CoQ10 could be a new way to treat aging ovaries or premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) [6].

Like with any supplement, women thinking about using CoQ10 to boost fertility should talk to a doctor first. This will help them figure out the right amount to take and make sure it's okay for them.

CoQ10 Benefits for Male Fertility

Let’s explore some of the benefits of CoQ10 for male fertility.

  (credit: FitLiving graphics team)
(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

Boosting Sperm Quality

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has garnered considerable interest in research on male fertility because it is reputed to help boost sperm quality. CoQ10 acts as a strong antioxidant, helping shield sperm cells from harm caused by oxidative stress and free radicals [8].

This protection matters a great deal since sperm cells can suffer oxidative damage, which can hurt their quality and how well they work.

Studies indicate that taking CoQ10 supplements has an impact on overall sperm quality. One study looked at men who couldn't have kids. It found that CoQ10 fertility supplements improved the shape of the sperm, and the number of normal-looking sperm went up [8]. Better-shaped sperms are key to helping eggs get fertilized.

Boosting Sperm Movement

CoQ10 has a major impact on male fertility by boosting sperm motility. Sperm motility means how well sperm can swim and reach the egg to fertilize it. Many men struggle with fertility because their sperm don't move well enough. This makes sperm motility key to successful reproduction [9].

Research has shown that CoQ10 has a positive influence on sperm motility. A 2018 meta-analysis found that taking CoQ10 supplements led to improved sperm motility as well as better sperm concentrations and count [9]. 

Another study revealed that after 6 months of CoQ10 supplementation, total sperm motility increased by 26%, and the number of motile sperm grew by 41% [10]. The study also found a 29% drop in sluggish motile sperm and up to a 55% decrease in non-motile sperm count [10].

Improving Sperm Count

CoQ10 has shown good results in improving sperm count and concentration. A high sperm count matters a lot for fertility, and a low sperm count can indicate underlying health issues [10]. 

In a study in which men took CoQ10 supplements for 6 months, researchers saw a 53% jump in total sperm count. The study also found that sperm concentration improved [10].

Scientists have discovered a link between CoQ10 levels in seminal fluid and important semen characteristics like sperm count, movement, and shape [11]. 

They think this happens because taking CoQ10 supplements boosts the overall antioxidant benefits in the seminal fluid, which creates better conditions for producing and growing sperm.

CoQ10 and Fertility: Safety and Side Effects

CoQ10 is well-tolerated among users, and they rarely report side effects. But remember, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration doesn't control dietary supplements like it does medications [12].

People who take CoQ10 supplements sometimes experience these mild side effects:

  1. Mild insomnia (when taking 100 mg )
  2. Higher liver enzymes (when taking 300 mg for a long time)
  3. Nausea
  4. Upper abdominal pain
  5. Irritability
  6. Headache
  7. Fatigue 

Talk to a doctor before you start taking any new supplements if you're trying to have a baby.

How To Use COQ10 To Boost Fertility

When you take CoQ10 to boost fertility, you need to think about how much to take and for how long. How much CoQ10 for female fertility or men’s can differ for each person, but many studies have used 200 mg to 300 mg every day [9] [10].

Keep in mind that it takes about 3 months for sperm to mature [13]. Therefore, you should take supplements during this time to see possible improvements in sperm quality and quantity.

How to Choose the Right COQ10 Supplement

When choosing a CoQ10 supplement to boost fertility, you should consider the supplement's form and how well your body can absorb it. CoQ10 comes in 2 forms: ubiquinone and ubiquinol. People have argued about which form works better, but new studies show that both forms can work well if they're made correctly [14].

When picking a CoQ10 fertility supplement, keep these important points in mind:

  1. Bioavailability: Go for supplements that use cutting-edge methods to boost absorption. The VESIsorb® system, for instance, has been proven to improve how well your body takes in and uses CoQ10 [10].
  2. Quality: Pick supplements from trusted makers who stick to solid manufacturing practices.
  3. Dosage: Make sure the supplement provides enough based on research. Your doctor may also suggest how much CoQ10 you need for fertility.

CoQ10 vs. Ubiquinol for Fertility

The fertility supplement market has seen ongoing discussions about CoQ10 (ubiquinone) and ubiquinol. Ubiquinol plays an active role in cells. However, studies indicate that our bodies turn ubiquinone into ubiquinol as they absorb it [14].

Recent studies show no big differences in CoQ10 blood levels between people taking ubiquinone and ubiquinol supplements. In reality, fertility and egg-quality studies use the ubiquinone form of CoQ10, which leads to good results [14].

Remember that ubiquinol supplements are pricier and less stable compared to ubiquinone supplements. Since both forms can work well when made, picking a high-quality ubiquinone supplement might be a cost-effective choice for people who want to boost their fertility [14].

Best CoQ10 Supplements  for Fertility 2024 

The best CoQ10 supplements for fertility typically include those that offer a high-absorption formula, such as ubiquinol, which is the active form of CoQ10 and easier for the body to use. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider before you start taking any new supplement. Below are reviews of some of the best brands offering supplements with CoQ10 fertility benefits.

1. Health Nutrition - Best High-Dose CoQ10

  (credit: FitLiving graphics team)
(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

Health Nutrition makes natural health products in the USA. Its vegan-friendly CoQ10 fertility pills support normal energy levels and offer antioxidant benefits.

User Reviews

When it comes to Health Nutrition’s CoQ10 reviews, we couldn’t dig up any solid feedback on Trustpilot or Reddit. Your best bet? Ask around—maybe a friend who's tried it can give you the lowdown.

2. Akasha Naturals - Best Organic CoQ10

  (credit: FitLiving graphics team)
(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

Akasha’s CoQ10 supplement comes in vegan-friendly soft gel capsules. The capsules include 100 mg of ubiquinone and 30 IU of Vitamin E in the form of mixed tocopherols. "Mixed tocopherols" refers to a combination of different types of Vitamin E, such as alpha, beta, gamma, and delta-tocopherols, which are all forms of the vitamin. 

User Reviews

A fan on the official website swears by Akasha Naturals’ CoQ10 Veggie Caps, especially for immune support when they feel something coming on [17]. But if you’re looking for a well-rounded opinion, it’s a good idea to ask others for their thoughts on the supplement.

3. Now Foods CoQ10 - Best Value CoQ10

  (credit: FitLiving graphics team)
(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

Now Foods CoQ10 is produced through a fermentation process, ensuring higher purity and better absorption in the body. This may also lead to potentially better results in improving energy production and supporting fertility, as well as overall health.

User Reviews

One user on Amazon mentioned that their family has been loyal to Now Foods for years, with their mother-in-law leading the charge [18]. On the flip side, a customer is taking a cautious approach, combining the Co-Q10 with another product and using a lower-than-recommended dose daily to see how it works out [19].

4. Life Extension CoQ10 - Best CoQ10 for Fast Absorption

  (credit: FitLiving graphics team)
(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

Super-Absorbable CoQ10 by Life Extension has a form of ubiquinol CoQ10 that the body can use up to 8 times better than ubiquinone. This product also has d-Limonene which can enhance the antioxidant effects, further protecting cells from oxidative stress. This mechanism is crucial for reproductive health.

User Reviews

One loyal customer on Trustpilot praised the manufacturer for their user-friendly online experience, loving how easy it is to explore product details, packaging, and research [20]. On the other hand, another user complained about not receiving their order [21].

5. YourBiology Supergreens+ - Best Superfood Blend with CoQ10

  (credit: FitLiving graphics team)
(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

YourBiology Supergreens+ only contains trace amounts of CoQ10, but several of its ingredients support fertility in various ways. For instance, spirulina and spinach are rich in antioxidants, which help protect reproductive cells from damage. Together, these ingredients create a nutrient-rich foundation that supports fertility health.

User Reviews

A user on the official site praised SuperGreens+ for being a game-changer, especially as a busy career woman and mom, as she managed to boost her immune system to keep up with work and family life [15]. However, another customer on Trustpilot had a different experience, expressing frustration over hidden costs and a lack of response from customer service when they sought clarity [16].

FAQs on CoQ10 Fertility Effects

We answer common questions people ask about CoQ10 supplements for fertility. 

Can CoQ10 Really Improve Fertility?

If you’re wondering, “What does CoQ10 do for fertility?” One thing to note is that it may help guard cells from oxidative stress, which can make eggs and sperm healthier. Research hints that taking CoQ10 may help your body generate more energy, which is key for the reproductive system. While the best CoQ10 for fertility could help folks struggling to conceive, it's smart to check with your doctor to see if it's a good fit for you.

How Long Does It Take for CoQ10 to Work for Fertility?

You may need to take CoQ10 fertility pills for about 3 to 6 months to notice real improvements in egg quality, sperm health, or overall fertility. This timespan matches how long egg maturation and sperm production takes, giving CoQ10 a chance to make a positive difference in the process. It's a good idea to be patient and check in with your doctor to keep an eye on your progress, change the dose if you need to, and know when to stop taking CoQ10 for fertility.

Can I Take CoQ10 With Other Fertility Treatments?

Yes, CoQ10 can often be taken alongside other fertility treatments. Many people incorporate CoQ10 into their routine while undergoing treatments like IVF or while taking medications aimed at enhancing fertility. CoQ10 is an antioxidant that supports cellular energy production, which can complement other fertility interventions by improving egg and sperm quality.

Is CoQ10 Safe to Take During Pregnancy?

CoQ10 fertility supplements are generally safe to take while pregnant, but you should talk to your doctor before taking them or any other supplement. Your body makes CoQ10, and you can find it in many foods. However, we know little about taking large amounts of it during pregnancy. Your doctor can help you decide if CoQ10 is right for you and how much you should take. They'll also make sure it fits with your overall pregnancy care plan.

Can COQ10 Help You Get Pregnant?

CoQ10 fertility pills may boost your odds of conceiving if you're dealing with age-related problems. This compound has a significant impact on energy production in cells, including eggs and sperm, and its antioxidant qualities help shield these cells from harm. Research indicates that taking CoQ10 for fertility can lead to egg quality enhancement in women and boost sperm quality in men, making conception more likely.

How Much COQ10 Should I Take for Fertility PCOS?

For people with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), their CoQ10 dose for fertility will typically range from 100 mg to 300 mg. If you have PCOS, you should talk to your doctor before you start taking CoQ10 for fertility. They can suggest the right dose for your specific situation and monitor how it may interact with other treatments you're getting.

What Time of Day Should I Take COQ10 for Fertility?

The best time of day to take CoQ10 fertility supplements is generally in the morning or early afternoon, with a meal containing healthy fats. This timing helps ensure optimal absorption of CoQ10, which is fat-soluble.

Final Thoughts on CoQ10 Fertility Benefits

CoQ10 has an influence on fertility support for people dealing with age-related issues or conditions like PCOS. It helps generate energy and acts as an antioxidant to improve egg and sperm quality, boosting the odds of getting pregnant. While CoQ10 fertility supplements like Health Nutrition CoQ10 are well-tolerated and easy to take, it's best to use them as part of a bigger plan with a doctor's help.

Remember that it might take a few months to see changes, so stick with it and be patient. Like other supplements, everyone reacts differently, so work with your doctor to figure out what's best for you.


  1. Crane, F. L. (2001). Biochemical Functions of Coenzyme Q10. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 20(6), 591-598.
  2. Littarru, G. P., & Tiano, L. (2007). Bioenergetic and Antioxidant Properties of Coenzyme Q10: Recent Developments. Molecular Biotechnology, 37(1), 31-37.
  3. Agarwal, A., Gupta, S., & Sharma, R. K. (2005). Role of Oxidative Stress in Female Reproduction. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 3(1), 28.
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  5. Agarwal, A., Gupta, S., & Sharma, R. K. (2005). Role of Oxidative Stress in Female Reproduction. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 3(1), 28.
  6. Ben-Meir, A., Burstein, E., Borrego-Alvarez, A., Chong, J., Wong, E., Yavorska, T., ... & Hsueh, A. J. (2015). Coenzyme Q10 Restores Oocyte Mitochondrial Function and Fertility during Reproductive Aging. Aging Cell, 14(5), 887-895.
  7. Xu, Y., Nisenblat, V., & Lu, C. (2018). Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation and Assisted Reproductive Technology Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 36(3), 311-321.
  8. Mancini, A., Milardi, D., Conte, G., & De Marinis, L. (2005). Coenzyme Q10: Powering the Male Fertility. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 28(8), 60-64.
  9. Safarinejad, M. R. (2009). The Effect of Coenzyme Q10 on Sperm Motility and Functionality in Men with Idiopathic Asthenozoospermia: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Study. Journal of Urology, 182(1), 237-248.
  10. Balercia, G., Mancini, A., Paggi, F., Tiano, L., Pontecorvi, A., Boscaro, M., & Littarru, G. P. (2009). Coenzyme Q10 and Male Infertility: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Randomized Study. Fertility and Sterility, 91(5), 1785-1792.
  11. Alleva, R., Scarabelli, S., Mantero, F., & Bompadre, S. (1997). Coenzyme Q10 Content in Seminal Fluid: Correlation with Sperm Count, Motility, and Morphology. Fertility and Sterility, 67(1), 142-147.
  12. National Institutes of Health (NIH). (2021). Coenzyme Q10: Fact Sheet for Consumers. Office of Dietary Supplements.
  13. Amann, R. P. (2008). The Cycle of the Seminiferous Epithelium in Humans: A Need to Revisit? Journal of Andrology, 29(5), 469-487.
  14. López-Lluch, G., & Navas, P. (2016). Ubiquinone and Ubiquinol in Health and Disease. Antioxidants, 5(2), 16.
  15. “Supergreens.” YourBiology, Accessed 1 Sept. 2024.
  16. “Rylee Lewis Gave Yourbiology 1 Star. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, Accessed 1 Sept. 2024.
  17. “CoQ10 - 60 Veggie Caps.” Akasha Naturals, Accessed 1 Sept. 2024.
  18. “Check out This Amazon Review of NOW Foods Supplements, CoQ10 100 Mg with Hawthorn Berry, Pharmaceutical Grade, All-Trans Form Produced by Fermentation, 180 Veg Capsules.” Amazon.Com, Accessed 1 Sept. 2024.
  19. “Check out This Amazon Review of NOW Foods Supplements, CoQ10 100 Mg with Hawthorn Berry, Pharmaceutical Grade, All-Trans Form Produced by Fermentation, 180 Veg Capsules.” Amazon.Com, Accessed 1 Sept. 2024.
  20. “Maxine Gave Life Extension 5 Stars. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, Accessed 2 Sept. 2024.
  21. “Maureen Mattas Gave Life Extension 1 Star. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, Accessed 2 Sept. 2024.

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