How To Increase Attention Span: 3 Proven Techniques

Practicing mindfulness, optimizing your physical health and using tech for attention training are some ways to increase your attention span. Learn how to use them.

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(photo credit: FitLiving graphics team)

Increasing your attention span has become more essential than ever. A keen attention to detail doesn't just make you more productive; it also improves your work and your day-to-day life. If you’re a student keen on focusing on your studies, a worker trying to be outstanding at your job, or just someone who wants to be mindful of everyday things, working on your focus can make a big difference.

This guide will show you how to increase attention span and explore solid ways to keep your focus game strong over time. You’ll learn about natural supplements like FOCL Day Stack to help boost your attention span and tap into more potential in all parts of your life.

5 Factors Affecting Attention Span

Our ability to pay close attention is essential. It dramatically affects how well we learn and get things done [1]. To get better at concentrating and using our brains, we must determine what messes with our focus. So, let's dive into the main things that shake up how to increase attention span.

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(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

1. Modern Distractions

In our tech-filled world, being online and scrolling through social media can impact your ability to master how to boost mental focus regardless of age [1].

With smartphones and gadgets always at hand, we're perpetually ready to receive messages or notifications, which splits our attention into small fragments. This constant state of alertness, known as continuous partial attention (CPA), extends beyond mental effects and can influence our physical state by triggering stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol [2].

2. Biological Factors

The way your brain develops, plus the shifts in your neurochemistry and hormones, matter when it comes to how long you can pay attention as you grow up [1]. For example, when you hit your teen years, your brain's doing a bunch of remodeling, which can mess with how well you focus and handle your feelings. And when folks get older, they tend to lose some brain cells and receptors, which might make focusing more challenging [3].

3. Environmental Influences

The quality of the environment, such as whether there's factors to distract you or things to get you thinking, can mess with how well you pay attention.

Setting up a space without distractions makes it easier for people to stay focused. However, things like super hot or super cold weather can also affect brain power.

Studies show that when it's boiling hot, people don't do as well with tricky tasks, and when it's freezing, brain chemicals related to smarts might change [4].

4. Age

As people age, their brain power can change, affecting how long they can focus. Most people start seeing these changes when they reach their 50s and 60s [3]. Getting older can slow down how fast we think and make it harder to remember new things. 

Remember that these changes don't always mean there's something wrong with the brain—they're just part of getting older [3].

5. Poor Eating Habits

Diet quality influences brain function and focus. Unhealthy eating habits, such as lots of fat, sugar, red meat, and processed foods, can harm brain function through inflammation [5]. On the other hand, a diet rich in vitamins, fiber, fruits, and vegetables can boost brain health by lowering the risk of conditions linked to cognitive decline.

Knowing these factors can help people create plans to sharpen their focus and brain performance. To improve concentration, one can deal with today's distractions, set up a good workspace, live, and adapt to age-related changes. These steps can help you understand how to increase attention span.

How to Increase Attention Span? 3 Key Methods

Here are some effective strategies in how to stay focused longer:

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(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

1. Implement Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques

Looking to understand how to improve your attention span with mindfulness? As one of the best practices to increase attention span in adults, mindfulness and meditation techniques have drawn a lot of interest because they can boost attention span and overall brain function. For students looking into how to increase attention span while studying, these practices can be especially beneficial.

By focusing on current feelings and experiences without judgment, mindfulness helps individuals become more aware of their thoughts and emotions, leading to better control over distractions and improved focus for reading and studying [12].

Guided Meditation

Guided meditation to concentrate has shown to be a good way to train the mind and boost focus. Just like working out builds muscles, meditation makes the mind better at focusing without effort [13].

This practice can help people who have trouble staying focused for long periods or those who find it hard to focus at all learn how to increase attention span. It works by:

  • Sitting comfortably upright
  • Relaxing the body
  • Placing awareness on the breath
  • Bringing attention back to the breath when distracted

Using guided meditation apps can make this process easier for beginners, providing structured lessons that help maintain focus and prevent the mind from wandering.

Mindful Breathing Exercises

Mindful breathing plays a key role in mindfulness practice and how to increase attention span. This technique involves paying attention to your breath, noticing its natural rhythm without trying to change it. This straightforward but effective exercise can help lower stress and anxiety levels, and boost overall well-being [12].

To practice mindful breathing:

  • Find a comfortable sitting position
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breath
  • Notice the sensation of air moving in and out of your body
  • Gently bring your attention back to your breath if your mind wanders

Regular practice of mindful breathing can lead to improved attention, decreased job burnout, better sleep, and enhanced diabetes control.

Body Scan Practice

Body scan meditation (BSM) involves focusing attention on different body parts, starting from head to toe or the other way around. It’s one of the best techniques to enhance attention span and help you become more aware of your physical feelings, emotions, and thoughts [14].

To perform a body scan:

  • Lie down or sit comfortably
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths
  • Bring awareness to a specific part of your body, starting with either your head or toes
  • Notice any sensations, such as tingling, tightness, or discomfort
  • Move your attention to adjacent body parts, continuing across the entire body

Studies show that doing body scan meditation can help lower stress levels. This is backed up by the fact that people who took part in an eight-week BSM program had less cortisol in their bodies [15]. 

Also, this practice can help people better recognize and respond to their inner signals, which leads to improved emotional control and a better understanding of oneself [15].

When people add these mindfulness and meditation methods to their daily lives, they can improve their attention span, reduce stress, and boost the overall health of their brains.

2. Optimize Your Physical Health for Better Focus

Boosting physical health has a major impact on brain function and attention. By zeroing in on key things like sleep, food, and working out, people can build a strong base for sharper focus and figuring out how to increase attention span.

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene has an influence on both the sleep environment and behavior, which have an impact on sleep quality and quantity [16]. 

Bad sleep habits can hurt your thinking skills. Research shows that not sleeping for 48 hours messes up your brain just as much as having a blood alcohol level of 0.1% [17]. To sleep better:

  • Establish a consistent sleep schedule
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine
  • Optimize the bedroom environment (temperature, light, noise)
  • Limit screen time before bed
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime

Getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night can help bring back mental sharpness and boost memory. Remember, the notion that older people can do well with less sleep is false [17].

Nutrition for Brain Health

A healthy diet has a big impact on keeping your brain working well and staying healthy. While no single food can boost your brain power, some nutrients and food types are good for your brain:

  • Green Leafy Vegetables: These are packed with vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta-carotene. These nutrients might help your brain stay sharp as you age [18].
  • Fatty Fish: These are full of omega-3 fatty acids. Studies link these fats to lower levels of beta-amyloid, a protein that's tied to Alzheimer's disease [18].
  • Berries: These little fruits are full of flavonoids. These compounds can give your memory a boost [18].
  • Nuts Walnuts: Offer good fats and protein, and research links them to better scores on cognitive tests [18].
  • Dark Chocolate: Has flavonoids that might improve memory and mood [19].

Adding these foods to a well-rounded diet with lots of fruits, veggies, legumes, and whole grains can help keep your brain healthy and working well [18]. For those looking for an extra edge, some people turn to brain pills or supplements that claim to enhance cognitive function, though they should complement, not replace, a nutrient-rich diet.

Regular Exercise Routine

Exercise ranks among the top ways people can boost their health, including brain function. Working out helps cut the chances of long-term illnesses, makes you steadier on your feet, and leads to better sleep and self-image [20]. 

To get your body in shape for sharper focus:

  • Try to get 150 minutes of medium-paced or 75 minutes of fast-paced cardio each week
  • Do exercises that build muscle for all main body parts at least twice weekly 
  • Mix up your workouts to keep things interesting and lower your risk of getting hurt
  • Think about trying short, intense bursts of exercise followed by rest periods

By implementing these sleep, nutrition, and exercise plans, people can build a solid base to boost their focus and brain power. Remember that sticking to a plan matters most, and little doable tweaks can bring about big changes as time goes on.

3. Leverage Technology for Attention Training

In our digital world, tech impacts our attention in two ways: it can make us lose focus, but it can also help us concentrate better. With the right apps and methods, we can boost our ability to pay attention and even master how to increase attention span. For those wondering how to improve attention span after TikTok, reducing screen time and balancing it with focus-enhancing tools or techniques can help regain concentration.

Brain Training Apps

Looking to master how to train your brain to stay focused? Brain training apps give users a cool and interesting way to test their thinking skills. For those curious about how to increase attention span in adults, these apps offer an engaging, evidence-based approach to enhance cognitive fu0.0.nction and sustain focus over time.

For example, Cognifit checks your thinking abilities in real time and compares them with people of different ages. In the same way, Lumosity offers brain games made for specific thinking skills keeping track of how you improve over time [21].

Other popular brain training apps that can help you learn how to increase attention span include:

  • Peak: Provides games backed by evidence to enhance thinking skills, including language, memory, and focus [22].
  • Elevate: Helps measure mental fitness, spot areas to grow, and cheer on achievements [22].

Productivity Tools

Different productivity tools and exercises to increase attention span can help cut down on distractions and sharpen focus:

  • Cold Turkey: Stops you from going to websites, playing games, and using apps that distract you [21].
  • Forest: Helps you focus by letting you grow a virtual tree while you work. The tree dies if you leave the app [21].
  • Noisli: Lets you create your own background sounds to make a productive work environment. It is among the best strategies for improving attention span during work [21].
  • Freedom: Blocks apps and websites that distract you on all your devices [23].
  • RescueTime: This app tracks your time use and lets you start "Focus Sessions" to block distracting sites.

Digital Detox Strategies

If you're wondering how to increase attention span it's crucial to unplug to keep things balanced. Technology has its perks but digital unplugging means cutting back on screen time on purpose to boost your mental well-being [24]. Here are some ways to maintain focus without your device:

  • Set up times and places where screens are off-limits, like during meals or in your bedroom [24]
  • Put a cap on digital use a few hours before bed to sleep better 
  • Pick one day or part of a day each week to switch off from digital gadgets 
  • Get moving, rediscover old hobbies, or head outdoors instead of staring at screens [24]

Using these tech tools and methods helps people boost their focus and brain power. It's all about finding a good balance and being mindful of how we use them.

Other Causes for a Short Attention Span

A short attention span might be caused by brain conditions, body health problems, or mind health troubles. Knowing the root causes is key to dealing with focus problems.

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(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

Head Injury

Head injuries, even minor ones, can harm the brain areas that control focus and attention [6]. These wounds can result in poor attention and concentration affecting a person's ability to stay focused on tasks. The effect of brain trauma on attention span shows how crucial it is to shield the brain from physical harm.


Staying hydrated has a big impact on how well our brains work, including how long we can focus. Not drinking enough water can mess with our mental performance and make it tough to concentrate [6]. 

Research shows that when we lose more than 2% of our body weight from dehydration, it hurts our ability to pay attention, think, and move. What's interesting is that women of all ages feel the effects of dehydration more, with older women being the most at risk [7].

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

ADHD stands out as one of the most widespread neurodevelopmental disorders that has an impact on attention span. 

It makes focusing, paying attention, and managing impulsive behaviors tough for people [8]. ADHD affects brain areas in charge of executive function, which includes the ability to plan, organize, and carry out tasks. People with ADHD might have lower dopamine levels, a brain chemical that helps to control attention and motivation [9].

One of the best ways to explore how to increase attention span ADHDers swear by is through strategies that boost dopamine, such as exercise, mindfulness, and structured routines.

Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities have a big impact on how well someone can focus and pay attention [6]. Problems like dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia make it hard to concentrate and process information. 

These issues often go hand in hand with attention troubles, meaning people struggle to take part in learning activities.


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has an impact on a person's ability to concentrate and focus [6]. Kids with ASD show unusual attention patterns. These include trouble disengaging and shifting attention overly narrow focus, and less ability to screen out distractions [10].

For parents of young children with ASD, learning how to increase attention span in toddlers can be particularly helpful; early interventions can improve focus and help them better navigate their environment. 

These attention issues can result in poor central coherence and problems with joint attention. Both of these skills play a key role in social growth and understanding others' thoughts and feelings [10]. If you're wondering how to improve the attention span of a child with ASD, addressing these challenges is key.


Depression has a big influence on how our brain works when it comes to paying attention and focusing [6]. When someone's depressed, they often feel tired and find it hard to think, which can make it tough to concentrate. 

Research shows that people with depression who aren't on medication don't do as well as healthy people when they need to focus on something important while ignoring distractions [11]. Depression can also make it harder to keep your attention on something for a long time, pick out what's important to focus on, and split your attention between different tasks [11].

One of the best ways to explore how to increase attention span psychology experts recommend is by identifying and managing these underlying issues to create targeted solutions.

What Are the Best Attention-Enhancing Supplements?

In our hectic world today many folks look for how to increase attention span, sharpen focus and clear their minds. Supplements offer natural ways to increase focus and attention span. This guide will look at some of the most useful supplements for enhancing attention, what good they can do, and how you might fit them into your daily life to keep your mind sharp all day long.

1. FOCL Day Stack - Best Nootropics for Energy

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(credit: FitLiving graphics team)


  • Boosts your energy while sharpening your focus and making you more productive
  • Helps you handle stress more
  • Steadies your mood and keeps your emotions in check
  • Contains natural ingredients from ethical sources
  • GMO-free and doesn't have any artificial additives


  • Costs more than some other options
  • Can cause slight tummy troubles for some people

FOCL Day Stack is regarded as one of the best supplements for boosting energy, making it ideal for those looking to enhance productivity and maintain clear thinking throughout the day.

This supplement is particularly beneficial for professionals and students with demanding schedules that require sustained mental performance and effective stress management. 

By supporting cognitive function, it helps you tackle daily tasks and challenges more efficiently, making it easier to improve attention span naturally. A single bottle of FOCL Day Stack costs $93.60, which is quite a significant investment.

What Users Think

On the official website, one user mentioned they've been using the product for about a month with no adverse effects, feeling an overall improvement. Another shared that it helped manage their anxiety after needing to step away from THC, providing daily balance and focus [25]. For a more comprehensive view, it's recommended to check independent reviews online.

2. Mind Lab Pro - Best Nootropics for Memory

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(credit: FitLiving graphics team)


  • Claims it will improve your memory within a month
  • All-natural brain enhancement
  • Affects multiple areas of thinking
  • Helps keep your brain healthy over time and protects nerve cells
  • Made with ingredients backed by studies


  • Costs a bit more than other brain supplements
  • A few people report getting headaches or upset stomachs

Mind Lab Pro stands out as the best supplement to boost memory helping with both quick recall and long-term memory. It targets six key brain pathways giving a full brain-boosting solution for workers and students. It aims to improve memory, increase focus, spark creativity, and clear the mind making it a great pick for anyone looking for an all-around brain enhancer. 

One bottle of Mind Lab Pro costs $69. But if you buy a 3-month supply for $207, you get an extra month's worth at no cost.

What Users Think

The product has strong reviews on Trustpilot, with an average rating of 4.3/5 from 60 reviews. A customer praised the product for its well-balanced blend of standardized herbs and prompt delivery [26]. However, another user shared a different perspective, noting that after using it for over eight months, they didn’t see significant changes [27].

3. Hunter Focus - Best Nootropics for Focus

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(credit: FitLiving graphics team)


  • May influence focus, concentration, and mental clarity
  • Helps manage stress better
  • Contributes to a better mood and emotional balance
  • Has ingredients from nature that studies back up
  • Suits vegans and doesn't use GMOs


  • The caffeine in it might make some people a bit jittery
  • Costs more than some other options

Hunter Focus is an ideal supplement for enhancing concentration and maintaining mental clarity, especially when tackling demanding tasks or challenges.

With its blend of herb-based adaptogens, it’s particularly well-suited for individuals in high-stress environments—whether in their professional, academic, or personal lives. The formula emphasizes stress management and cognitive resilience, making it a valuable tool for staying focused and sharp under pressure. 

A 30-day supply of Hunter Focus costs $90. However, if you purchase a three-month supply for $270, you'll receive an additional bottle at no extra cost.

What Users Think

One user on the official website, who has tried over 50 nootropic stacks, claimed that Hunter Focus stands out as one of the best, praising its well-developed formula [28]. For a more well-rounded perspective, it’s a good idea to ask people you know who’ve used it for their feedback.

4. Thesis - Best Customized Nootropics 

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(credit: FitLiving graphics team)


  • Improves your focus and ability to concentrate
  • Gives you more energy and helps you think for longer
  • Aids your memory and brain function
  • Assists in managing stress
  • Suitable for vegans and contains no GMOs


  • Can make you feel on edge if caffeine affects you
  • Costs more than some other options

Thesis stands out as a top pick among natural supplements for people seeking a complete cognitive enhancer. It suits professionals, students, and anyone who needs to keep their minds sharp in tough settings.

The herbal adaptogens in its formula may boost your focus, productivity, and overall mental performance. Also, the brand gets its ingredients from trusted suppliers and makes this leading supplement in GMP-certified facilities to ensure high quality. 

A starter kit costs $119 (but you'll receive four formulas!). Yet if you sign up for a Thesis supplements subscription, you pay $79.

What Users Think

On Trustpilot, one user with ADHD praised the combination of their prescription Vyvanse with Thesis Clarity, calling it the "ULTIMATE combination [29]." However, not all feedback was positive—some users felt the product was overpriced [30].

FAQs About Concentration Span

Here are some frequently asked questions about how to increase attention span and improve concentration skills:

How Can I Enhance My Ability to Focus and Extend My Attention Span?

A bunch of things can mess with your ability to pay attention making it tough to stay on track. Eating junk food without the right nutrients can hurt how your brain works, which makes it even harder to focus. When you put all these things together, it can do a number on your attention span and how much you get done in a day.

Is It Possible to Train Oneself to Have a Longer Attention Span?

You can teach your brain how to increase attention span for longer periods by cutting down on things that distract you. Setting up a routine that tells your brain it's time to focus can also help improve your ability to concentrate.

What Are Some Immediate Methods to Boost Concentration?

Quick ways to boost focus include doing brain games, working out, getting outside, eating well-balanced meals, taking brain-boosting supplements, and making sure you sleep enough.

How Can I Naturally Increase Focus and Concentration?

You can boost your focus and learn how to increase attention span without relying on artificial means by trying out some mindfulness techniques. To get started, get rid of anything that might distract you, find a quiet place to work, and put on some tunes if that helps you stay on task.

Making a list of things to do, tackling one job at a time, taking breaks now and then, spending time outdoors, and practicing mindfulness are all good ways to improve your concentration.

Final Thoughts on How To Increase Attention Span

Mastering how to increase attention span can have a profound impact on overall cognitive well-being and productivity. Understanding the factors affecting focus, implementing mindfulness techniques, and using natural supplements like FOCL Day Stack are crucial steps to improving concentration. Optimizing physical health and leveraging technology wisely can also significantly enhance one's ability to concentrate.

These strategies offer a holistic approach to boost mental clarity and cognitive performance in our increasingly distracting world. To wrap up, the journey to improve attention span is ongoing and requires consistent effort. By making small, sustainable changes in daily routines and habits, people can gradually strengthen their focus muscles and enhance their cognitive abilities.


  1. Posner, M. I., & Rothbart, M. K. (2007). Research on attention networks as a model for the integration of psychological science. Annual Review of Psychology, 58, 1-23 
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  6. McAllister, T. W. (2011). Neurobiological consequences of traumatic brain injury. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 13(3), 287-300
  7. Armstrong, L. E., Ganio, M. S., Casa, D. J., Lee, E. C., McDermott, B. P., Klau, J. F., ... & Maresh, C. M. (2012). Mild dehydration affects mood in healthy young women. The Journal of Nutrition, 142(2), 382-388
  8. Barkley, R. A. (1997). Behavioral inhibition, sustained attention, and executive functions: Constructing a unifying theory of ADHD. Psychological Bulletin, 121(1), 65-94
  9. Castellanos, F. X., & Proal, E. (2012). Large-scale brain systems in ADHD: Beyond the prefrontal-striatal model. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 16(1), 17-26
  10. Posner, M. I., & Petersen, S. E. (1990). The attention system of the human brain. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 13(1), 25-42
  11. Rock, P. L., Roiser, J. P., Riedel, W. J., & Blackwell, A. D. (2014). Cognitive impairment in depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine, 44(10), 2029-2040

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