Coronavirus crisis: What are the newest restrictions?
The following restrictions were determined by the government overnight Thursday and took effect at 5 p.m. on Friday, July 17, unless otherwise indicated:
By MAAYAN JAFFE-HOFFMANPolice in Bat Yam seek coronavirus health instruction violators in vain as the beach is empty (photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/ MAARIV)
> Gyms and studios used for sports or dance activities (except for use by competitive athletes) - closed> Workplace cafeterias - pickup only> Hotel restaurants can operate at 35% capacity.> Gatherings - up to 10 people in closed spaces, 20 in open spaces> Public reception at government offices - reduced as relevant> Government offices - 50% of staff will work outside the office or be put on leaveHotel pools that are accessible to guests only can operate.Weekend restrictions (Fridays from 5 p.m. until Sundays at 5 a.m.): > Stores, malls, open-air markets, hair salons/barber shops, beauty parlors, libraries, petting zoos, museums and display spaces, pools, tourist attractions and cable cars - closed> Beaches - closed
Stores providing essential services, such as grocery stores, pharmacies, those that sell hygiene products, opticians and labs for the repair of communication devices may stay open.Beginning Tuesday:> Restaurants - takeaway and deliveryDecisions about camps and other educational programs will be determined in the coming days by the prime minister and alternate prime minister, in consultation with the finance, health and education ministers. At the time of this writing, it appeared schools would stay open until at least mid-week next week.