A person can be tested by their local health fund through an appointment or they can be screened at a drive-by testing complex or at the airport.
By MAAYAN JAFFE-HOFFMANHadassah-University Medical Center now has three coronavirus wards open, December 2020(photo credit: HADASSAH SPOKESPERSON)
People who have been exposed to a person with coronavirus will now be eligible to shorten their isolation period from 12 to 10 days, the Health Ministry announced Sunday.The new protocol will take effect on Tuesday at 8 a.m.The original isolation period was 14 days.The reduced quarantine is subject to two negative coronavirus tests: the first upon entering isolation and the second on the ninth day from the date of exposure, which might have been a week before. However, the first and second tests must be at least 24 hours apart.A person can be tested by their local health fund through an appointment, though no referral is required, or screened at a drive-by testing complex or at the airport.In early November, the Health Ministry announced that the same protocol could be used to reduce isolation by two days, which at the time was 12 days, and that it would be running another pilot to determine if 10 days would be sufficient.Earlier this month, the US Centers for Disease Control shortened the isolation period to either seven or 10 days after exposure to coronavirus, depending on local circumstances.