Significant past events, influential figures, and cultural moments that shaped society. Ancient civilizations, wars, social revolutions, historical landmarks, and biographies.
Often referred to as the "Father of Modern China," Sun held a pivotal role in overthrowing the Qing dynasty and establishing the Republic of China.
Rainer Langhans refuses aggressive treatments, embracing spirituality in his final days.
“Kate is obviously betrayed by this publication of the book; Etta is betrayed by the publishers.”
Zionism, Prof. Yitzhak Conforti shows, represents a continuation of an ethnic Jewish community that sustained its distinctiveness throughout centuries in the Diaspora.
A highly abridged version of Dust & Stars.
Researchers said the added lines "potentially transform" the sonnet from "a meditation on romantic love into a powerful political statement."
Boys and girls were selected, often as part of an annual tribute to the Inca state. Chosen children typically came from noble families hoping to gain political favor through these rituals.
The Codice Santini contains a series of engineering and military machines, documenting the interest in mathematical and scientific disciplines in Urbino during the Renaissance.
An exhibition features nearly 300 pieces, including illuminated books from the Middle Ages, sculptures, and videos by contemporary artists.
The cold-blooded execution of Robert Einstein’s family at the Focardo estate near Florence on August 3, 1944, reached beyond the areas generally depicted in Holocaust literature.