Israel sends doctors to help burn victims in Congo

Six Israeli doctors flew to the Democratic Republic of Congo Monday to aid people injured when a fuel tanker exploded near the village of Sange on July 2,   killing some 250 and injuring another 200.
The doctors, all specialists in plastic surgery and burns from the Sheba Medical Center, will be treating people with serious burns in Sange and nearby Uvira, located in eastern Congo near the Burundi border. The delegations, sent by the Foreign Ministry's National Agency for International Cooperation (Mashav), will be bringing with them medical equipment as well to deal with the tragedy.
According to a Foreign Ministry statement, the team was sent in coordination with the Congolese authorities and with the blessing of Congolese President Joseph Kabila and his health and foreign affairs ministers. 
Israel and Congo renewed diplomatic ties in 1991, and Israel is represented there by a non-resident ambassador stationed in Cameroon.