10 Christian Zionists: Michele Bachmann - No. 1

Meet the American Christian politician who worked on a kibbutz in southern Israel.

 Michele Bachmann (photo credit: Courtesy)
Michele Bachmann
(photo credit: Courtesy)

When Michele Bachmann was just a teenager, she made her first trip to the Holy Land with her church’s youth group. Her time living and working on a kibbutz in southern Israel “changed the course of my life.”

In the years since, Bachmann has served in the U.S. Congress and is currently Dean for the Robertson School of Government at Regent University. And she has always been a friend of Israel—having visited more than 30 times, and serving on the board of The Fellowship.

Dean Bachmann’s friendship has been especially invaluable since October 7, as she has reached Christians—including young people, who are bombarded with anti-Israel hatred—with a message of truth about and love for the Jewish state and Jewish people.