10 Christian Zionists: Mike Huckabee - No. 1

Meet the US presidential candidate who visited Israel over 100 times.

 Mike Huckabee. (photo credit: Courtesy)
Mike Huckabee.
(photo credit: Courtesy)

“Everything that I embrace as a Christian is rooted in the promises that God gave to the Jewish people.” Of the many Christian friends of The Fellowship and of the Jewish state of Israel, none has a passion and calling stronger than that of Governor Mike Huckabee. His accomplishments—44th governor of Arkansas, presidential candidate, ordained Southern Baptist pastor, and television host—certainly show him to be a man of action and a man of God.

Governor Huckabee first visited Israel fifty years ago. Having been to Israel more than 100 times in those five decades—including taking tens of thousands of visitors “to show what Israel is all about,” he has also long been a friend of The Fellowship. This support—for Israel and for The Fellowship—has proven invaluable in the months since the October 7th attacks, as he has helped give voice to those who survived the attacks, those who fight to protect Israel, and Israelis and Jewish people worldwide who face unprecedented anti-Semitism.