10 Christian Zionists: Allen Jackson - No. 4

Meet the pastor who reaches over 3 million people worldwide each week.

Allen Jackson. (photo credit: Courtesy)
Allen Jackson.
(photo credit: Courtesy)

The son of a veterinarian, Allen Jackson grew up caring for animals. But then the Bible inspired young Allen to care for people—more specifically their spiritual wellbeing. He earned degrees from Oral Roberts University and Vanderbilt University, and studied at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the latter of which helped nurture his love for Israel and the Jewish people.

Since 1989, Pastor Jackson has led World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN, growing from less than 30 people to now reaching more than 15,000 through outreach activities, community events, and worship services. Technology also now allows Allen Jackson Ministries to reach over 3,000,000 each week worldwide.

Included in Pastor Jackson’s message is his love for and support of Israel and the Jewish people. Having long been a friend of both, in the months since the October 7 attacks he has helped fight the growing antisemitism we see while also spreading the truth about Israel.