10 Christian Zionists: Carlos Duran - No. 6

Meet the pastor who fosters Jewish-Latino relations.

 Carlos Duran. (photo credit: Courtesy)
Carlos Duran.
(photo credit: Courtesy)

Pastor Carlos Duran immigrated to the United States from Colombia at the age of 19. With degrees in Business Administration and Project Management from Liberty University, Carlos is an entrepreneur and business owner in the Washington, D.C., area. 

Carlos is also a pastor and leader in the community and internationally. Working for The Promise Keepers for more than a decade, Pastor Duran also founded and leads Hombres de Palabra (Men of Their Word) and the National Hispanic Pastors Alliance—building bridges of faith and fellowship the world around. This faithful friendship extends to the Jewish people and the Jewish state of Israel, as Pastor Ortiz has long been an ally of both, including serving on the executive committee of the Latino Coalition for Israel and speaking in support of Israel in the days and months since the Hamas attacks of October 7.