By HAVIV RETTIG GURfarrakhan 311(photo credit: AP)
A recent spate of speeches delivered by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan have drawn angry condemnation from the Anti-Defamation League.Farrakhan has “returned again to his old bigotry, and ramped up his virulently anti-Semitic rhetoric,” the ADL said, in a statement released over the weekend in response to speeches in Chicago’s Mosque Maryam during the past two weeks.“The Federal Reserve is the synagogue of Satan. The Rockefellers, the DuPonts, the House of Rothschild, these are the people that have corrupted the entire world,” he said in a March 14 speech at the mosque, according to the ADL.A week earlier, Farrakhan told his followers at the mosque that “the Black man and woman have always been looked upon as the ‘property’ of White America; and particularly, members of the Jewish community. They’ve always looked at you as ‘belonging’ to them.”During that speech, he also said, “The Jewish people have said that Hollywood is theirs. Can any of you deny that they are the masters of Hollywood, where sex, lesbianism, homosexuality and violence are promoted?”The ADL has compiled a report on Farrakhan’s speeches, which it says accuse Jews of exploiting black performers in the entertainment industry and being “disproportionately involved in the transatlantic slave trade.”“There is no doubt that anti-Semitism and racism remain a central part of Farrakhan’s message, as well as that of the Nation of Islam,” according to ADL national director Abe Foxman.“The large crowds he attracts demonstrate that his bigotry and hate continue to be embraced. Clearly, Minister Farrakhan has returned again to his old bigotry, and ramped up his virulently anti-Semitic rhetoric,” Foxman added.On February 28, the Nation of Islam’s Saviours’ Day, Farrakhan told some 20,000 followers in Chicago’s United Center that US President Barack Obama’s political difficulties came after he stood up to the Jewish lobby at an Oval Office meeting last summer.“When they left the White House, his problems began,” the Chicago Sun-Times quoted Farrakhan as saying.
Obama’s meeting last summer with leaders of Jewish groups was mostly friendly, but there were differences over his administration’s tone in dealing with the Netanyahu government in Israel.“The Zionists are in control of Congress,” Farrakhan said in the 3.5-hour speech, listing a slew of Jewish economic advisers and adding that the “bloodsuckers of the poor” were rewarded with a bailout.In the same speech, Farrakhan said “the white Right is trying to set Barack up to be assassinated,” and reiterated his conviction that 9/11 was an “inside job.”He also said the February 27 earthquake in Chile, which came a day before his speech, was “not an accident. It was a precipitate of what I have to tell you today of what’s coming to America. You will not escape.”According to the Chicago Tribune,he went on to describe a 1985 encounter with a flying saucer, fromwhich he heard the voice of deceased Nation of Islam spiritual leaderElijah Muhammad.He went on to offer an apocalyptic warning to the world.“I will speak to the kings and rulers of the world. I will speak to thepope and the religious leaders because you have to know that your timehas come,” he said. “I desire to guide you and warn you of things thatare coming that you must try to prepare yourselves for because we areabsolutely living in the change of worlds.”During the presidential campaign, Obama distanced himself from Farrakhan for his history of anti-Semitism.JTA contributed to this report.