US President Donald Trump said he spoke with Bolsonaro on Friday and offered help, if needed, in dealing with the Amazon rainforest fires.In a speech that day, Bolsonaro sent a "message to Brazil and the world on the Brazilian Amazon and the disinformation campaign built against our nation's sovereignty," in which he stated that, "protecting the forest is our duty.""We are aware of our duty and we are working to combat illegal deforestation and all other criminal activities that put our Amazon at risk," he said.- O Governo brasileiro segue aberto ao diálogo, com base em dados objetivos e no respeito mútuo. A sugestão do presidente francês, de que assuntos amazônicos sejam discutidos no G7 sem a participação dos países da região, evoca mentalidade colonialista descabida no século XXI.
— Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) August 22, 2019
Last week, an apocalyptic darkness descended on the megalopolis of Sao Paulo, unnerving locals and triggering a fierce debate between meteorologists and climatologists over its exact cause.Some researchers argued that the hazy gloom was the result of the combination of a cold front over the city coupled with smoke from fires in the Amazon, more than a thousand miles away.Reuters contributed to this story.- A message to Brazil and the world on the Brazilian Amazon and the disinformation campaign built against our nation's sovereignty.- Uma mensagem para o Brasil e para o mundo sobre a nossa Amazônia e a campanha de desinformação fabricada contra nossa soberania nacional. (1/2)
— Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) August 24, 2019