Former televangelist Pat Robertson says Putin is beginning Armageddon

Former televangelist Pat Robertson had an interesting take on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, saying Russian President Vladimir Putin is being "driven by God" to bring about Armaggedon.

 Regent University chancellor and CEO Pat Robertson delivers remarks at a campaign event for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at Regent University October 22, 2016 in Virginia Beach, Virginia (photo credit: Win McNamee/Getty Images)
Regent University chancellor and CEO Pat Robertson delivers remarks at a campaign event for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at Regent University October 22, 2016 in Virginia Beach, Virginia
(photo credit: Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Televangelist Pat Robertson made a special appearance on The 700 Club on Monday and declared that Russian President Vladimir Putin is simply following God's plan to instigate the "End of Times" and the final battle against Israel.

Regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the 91-year-old Robertson said that Putin is being "driven by God" to bring about Armageddon, as prophesied in the Bible.

"I think you can say, well, Putin's out of his mind, and yes, maybe so, But at the same time, he's being compelled by God. He went into Ukraine, but that wasn't his goal. His goal was to move against Israel, ultimately." Robertson said on the Christian Broadcasting Network hit show.

Read more on the Russia-Ukraine War:

Robertson cited verses from the book of Ezekiel about how nations will join forces to rise up against Israel, stating that Russia's invasion is simply the precursor to those events.

"I think you can say, well, Putin's out of his mind, and yes, maybe so, But at the same time, he's being compelled by God. He went into Ukraine, but that wasn't his goal. His goal was to move against Israel, ultimately." Robertson said.

 A civilian trains to throw Molotov cocktails to defend the city, as Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues, in Zhytomyr, Ukraine March 1, 2022 (credit: Viacheslav Ratynskyi/Reuters)Enlrage image
A civilian trains to throw Molotov cocktails to defend the city, as Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues, in Zhytomyr, Ukraine March 1, 2022 (credit: Viacheslav Ratynskyi/Reuters)

The Evangelist leader, who made similar claims of end times in 1976 and 1990, claimed that the conflict in Ukraine is the starting point for one of the great biblical armies that will gather for the end of times. 

"And he will link up with Turkey across the little (land) bridge, and they will come together," Robertson explained. "And then, you look down into North Sudan, you've got a Muslim country down there, and there they all are. Persia, of course, is Iran."

While reviewing a world map, Robertson brought attention to a "choke point" between Turkey, Bulgaria, and Greece, stating that point may be of great interest to Russia.

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"And there is the land that is set up in Ezekiel 38 and you see how Ukraine is key because you see the land bridge between Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey," Robertson added. "And all of that area is going to be mobilized against Israel in the latter days. And God says, 'I am going to deal with it."

Robertson ended his remarks by saying: "And God is getting ready to do something amazing and that will be fulfilled."