What motivates a person to donate generously of their time and money?

Jonathan Goodman

Canadian Friends of Hebrew University presents: The Philanthropists 

The hidden art of giving: In conversation with Jonathan Ross Goodman

Tuesday, April 12

9 am PT | 12 pm EST | 19:00 Israel time | 17:00 UK time

Philanthropy is defined as “the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.” What motivates a person to donate generously of their time and money? 

‘The Philanthropists,’ a new video series hosted by Ralph Benmergui, Canadian television and radio personality, presented by the Canadian Friends of Hebrew University, delves into the lives of those who give and explores their sense of purpose and what makes giving meaningful.

Jonathan Ross Goodman, a Montreal native, will be featured in the first episode of the series. Goodman is co-founder & CEO of Knight Therapeutics Inc. and has overcome both serious illness and injury. He has dedicated his life to numerous causes, including cancer research, Jewish education and improving the welfare of Israelis of Ethiopian descent. In this episode, the Canadian philanthropist and entrepreneur reflects on the meaning of life and how he has channeled his experiences and his passion into making a difference each day of his life.