Tom Nides and David Friedman to lead 2023 Int'l March of the Living

The 2023 International March of the Living will be on April 18th and will be led by US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides and former ambassador David Friedman.

 US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides shaking hands with Former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman (photo credit: Gil Shimon US Embassy)
US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides shaking hands with Former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman
(photo credit: Gil Shimon US Embassy)

The United States Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides and former US ambassador to Israel David Friedman will lead the 2023 International March of the Living from Auschwitz to Birkenau on April 18th.

"There can be no gap in the American political system when it comes to standing up against antisemitism and intolerance and defending Israel," Ambassador Nides said. "David and I represent different sides of the political spectrum but we are on the same side - the correct side- when it comes to standing with Israel and against prejudice and hate of any kind."

Democratic and Republican leaders of the US-Israel relationship working together showcases the US support for Israel and also shows the commitment to fighting against any and all kinds of antisemitism.

"Marching from Auschwitz to Birkenau with these two distinguished America diplomats leading thousands of people of good faith from around the globe on Holocaust Remembrance Day will deliver a powerful message to the world: The United States of America is forever committed and united in pursuing the noble and just goals of combatting antisemitism as well hatred in all its forms and standing in solidarity with Israel," said President of the International March of the Living Phyllis Greenberg Heideman.

The March of the Living started in 1988 and has brought students, Holocaust survivors, educators and notable leaders from around the world to Poland to learn about the Holocaust and its history every year. The March takes place every year on Holocaust Remembrance Day, with thousands of people marching, hand in hand, from Auschwitz to Birkenau in memory of the people who were victims of Nazis, antisemitism, prejudice, bigotry and hate.

Virtual Plaque (credit: MARCH OF THE LIVING)
Virtual Plaque (credit: MARCH OF THE LIVING)