Majority of Britons think Western politicians increase risk of WW3 - poll

44% of Brits though the actions of politicians were actively increasing the risk of a third world war, and only 6% thought they decreased the risk, found the survey.

 Ahmadiyya Muslim Community meeting (photo credit: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community)
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community meeting
(photo credit: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community)

The majority of the British blame Western politicians for global instability and the increasing risk of WW3, a YouGov poll found this week.

44% of Brits though the actions of politicians were actively increasing the risk of a third world war, and only 6% thought they decreased the risk, found the survey, which was commissioned by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

The survey, which was carried out on 2,533 adults Britons across 17-18 July, also found women to be more concerned than men about the role of politicians in causing global conflict. Only 3% of women felt politicians were lowering the risk, as to 8% of men.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a messianic, anti-Jihad Islamic community. Ahmadi Muslims from more than 100 countries have gathered to hear their Caliph, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, in London, who has been warning of the risk of a new world war breaking out, according to the community.

Urgent calls to deescalate global tensions

The Caliph is set to deliver several talks over the course of three days to 40,000 Ahmadi Muslims who have gathered to watch at a 200 acre farm just outside of London.

  (credit: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community)
(credit: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community)

“We must urge our leaders and politicians to step back from the precipice because there is no doubt that if a global war erupts, it will be unlike anything the world has ever seen," Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said previously.

“Many countries have acquired state-of-the-art weapons that have the deadly capacity to kill thousands upon thousands of people with just one strike. It will not just be us who endure the pain and who grieve, rather, our children and future generations will suffer for our sins and their lives will be destroyed through no fault of their own.”