Former president Jimmy Carter reads the 'Post', resurfaced interview reveals

In a resurfaced interview on the anniversary of his birthday, the former president shared he reads 'The Jerusalem Post' and other Israeli media.

 CAMP DAVID, not Oslo: (from L) Egyptian president Anwar Sadat, US president Jimmy Carter, and prime minister Menachem Begin sign the Camp David Accords in the White House, 1978. (photo credit: Courtesy Jimmy Carter Library/National Archives/Handout via Reuters)
CAMP DAVID, not Oslo: (from L) Egyptian president Anwar Sadat, US president Jimmy Carter, and prime minister Menachem Begin sign the Camp David Accords in the White House, 1978.
(photo credit: Courtesy Jimmy Carter Library/National Archives/Handout via Reuters)

In a revelation that has left the staff here at The Jerusalem Post delighted, former US president Jimmy Carter revealed that he regularly reads the Post.

He did so, however, 14 years ago.

In an interview on CBS's 60 Minutes, which was conducted in his study, he was asked, "Do you multitask?"

He replied, "Yes, I get up quite early like my father did and like I've done all my life, about 5 o'clock, an I come in here and I answer my urgent email, and I read the news media.

"I read The New York Times, The Washington Post, and read Haaretz and Jerusalem Post from Israel," he continued.

Happy Birthday, Mr. President

While the interview is old, 60 Minutes reshared it in honor of Jimmy Carter's birthday, leading the staff here at the Post to make the delightful little discovery.

Thank you, President Carter!

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