Barbour: Iran biggest threat to global security

At Herzliya Conference, 2012 Republican presidential hopeful says world leaders should be judged by success in responding to Teheran's nuclear program and its support for destabilizing gov'ts abroad.

Haley Barbour 311 (photo credit: Associated Press)
Haley Barbour 311
(photo credit: Associated Press)
Mississippi Governor and 2012 Republican presidential hopeful Haley Barbour on Wednesday said that Iran is the world's top threat to peace and stability. Barbour made the comments while speaking at the Herzliya Conference.
Barbour stated that world leaders should be judged by their success in responding to Iran's nuclear program and what he says is its support for terrorism and destabilizing governments abroad.
The popular governor received a warm ovation from the prestigious security conference.
Barbour also congratulated Israel on its recent offshore gas discoveries.
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Barbour, whose own state is an energy producer, criticized an American moratorium on drilling put in place by the Obama administration after last year's BP oil spill. He said the ban "is inflicting a disaster on America."
Barbour is on a five day visit to Israel sponsored by the Republican Jewish Coalition.
He was scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during his visit.
The Mississippi governor has not officially announced his intentions to run for president, but has said he will decide by spring whether or not to seek the Republican nomination.

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Barbour's trip to Israel followed visits by Republican presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee.