"We get literally thousands of consumer requests for the product, since it’s not been being sold in the US recently. We knew we wanted to bring it back for a while," said Brad Hiranaga, General Mill's chief brand officer for North America.
The snack was taken out of circulation in the United States in 2012, but remained on store shelves until 2017. Hiranaga told the Times that healthy food choices were to blame, as the decision to stop production was made as the company tried to focus more on healthy, nutritious snacking, including Lärabar and different versions of Nature Valley.
The cookies and frosting are going to be exactly the same as they were throughout the 90s, according to General Mills. Dunkaroos came in small plastic containers split into two, with the cookies on one side and frosting to dip the cookies in on the other.
Hiranga assured the Times that there won't be a repeat of the 2012 discontinuation of Dunkaroos and that they should be out there to buy without needing to worry about "stocking them up and putting them in your zombie apocalypse locker."
Dunkaroos announced their return on February 3 on their new Twitter account, quoting a Kim Kardashian tweet from 2018 reading "Obsessed with Dunkaroos. Please come back!" and responding, "As you wish." The sugary treats will return this summer.