Send us your comments >> Roberta Seid, Santa Monica, California, USA: If Hamas members want to run in the Palestinian elections, let them form a political party that does not have a covenant calling for the obliteration of Israel, that does not say negotiations are impermissible and jihad is the only path, and that does not say that all of Israel is Islamic waqf land. It also should not call for war instead of peace and should not repeat, almost verbatim, lies based on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Currently, that is what Hamas stands for. It is a war party that programmatically calls for racism, terrorism and intolerance. It is not a political party. If Hamas, with its programmatic violence, hate and racism, can be considered a legitimate political party, then Israel will have to rethink its policy banning Kach and prohibiting it from running in elections.
More about: | Hamas, California, Mahmoud Abbas, Shimon Peres |