Nuclear terrorism may rise from Libyan, Syrian fallout

Shaul Chorev addresses IAEA ahead of vote expected later this week on Arab resolution titled ‘Israeli Nuclear Capabilities.’

IAEC chief Dr. Chorev (photo credit: Reuters)
IAEC chief Dr. Chorev
(photo credit: Reuters)
Iran is directly involved in activities related to the design and testing of nuclear weapons, head of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission, Dr. Shaul Chorev, warned on Tuesday in a speech at the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna.
Chorev addressed the meeting ahead of a vote expected later this week on a resolution submitted by Arab states to single out Israel for condemnation over its nuclear activities.
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The IAEC and the Foreign Ministry have spent the past few months recruiting states to vote down the resolution titled “Israeli Nuclear Capabilities.”
“Not only is Iran continuing its enrichment- related activities in defiance of UN Security Council resolutions, but it is also engaged in activities directly related to the design and testing of nuclear weapons,” Chorev said.
“Absent an effective response by the international community, Iran may become the first country to acquire nuclear weapons while being a member of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.” Chorev said that Iran was pursuing nuclear weapons under the cover of its membership in the NPT and that its enrichment of uranium to 20 percent served no real civilian purpose.
“Against this backdrop, some still prefer to find refuge in carefully-worded diplomatic phrases, which are obscuring ominous realities, and obstructing effective concerted response,” he said.
Chorev also called on the international community to take steps to prevent the proliferation of nuclear components by Libya and Syria which are both facing growing instability to terrorist organizations.
“With the collapse of Gaddafi’s regime, and the volatile situation in Syria, efforts by the international community should be directed towards urgent counter-proliferation issues in these two countries,” he said.
“This worrisome situation in Libya and Syria is a fresh reminder of the need to work together to secure nuclear materials and to prevent illicit nuclear trafficking and terrorism.”

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