Gal-On calls on undecided voters to vote for Meretz
Meretz has focused its efforts on making sure the party doesn’t slip below the 3.25 percent electoral threshold.
By JPOST.COM STAFFMeretz leader Zehava Gal-On votes(photo credit: MERETZ)
"Today we have an opportunity to bring about a revolution and to end six bad years of Right-wing governments and bring hope and sanity back to the state of Israel," head of Meretz Zehava Gal-On said after she voted in Petah Tikva. Gal-On addressed the undecided voters saying it was in their hands whether Israel would receive a Knesset without Meretz or if there would be a government of hope and justice that included Meretz. The Meretz leader said her party offered hope for democracy, equality, social justice and a "normal life free from fear, incitement, and violence." Meretz has focused its efforts on making sure the party doesn’t slip below the 3.25 percent electoral threshold with Zehava Gal-On pleading with voters on Monday to stay with the party, saying “the strategic vote is the one that is in your heart.”