IDF Medical Corps and airborne rescue continue to excel under fire

The medical teams on the ground and in helicopters are trained to perform complex and life-saving operations under fire and when airborne.

 A MILITARY helicopter evacuates the wounded from Ziv Medical Center, injured by a Hezbollah missile fired earlier that day, to a Safed IDF base, Feb. 14.  (photo credit: AYAL MARGOLIN/FLASH90)
A MILITARY helicopter evacuates the wounded from Ziv Medical Center, injured by a Hezbollah missile fired earlier that day, to a Safed IDF base, Feb. 14.
(photo credit: AYAL MARGOLIN/FLASH90)

Injured soldiers in Gaza receive medical treatment in a hospital, on average, within an hour of an injury occurring, the IDF revealed on Wednesday.

This is thanks to the continuous hard work of the medical corps, the helicopter units, and Unit 669, which continue to save lives throughout the Gaza Strip.

According to the IDF, medics and rescue fighters carried out dozens of evacuations of the wounded from combat areas in the Gaza Strip last week while providing advanced and life-saving medical treatment en route.

Under fire and in the air

These evacuations are often carried out under fire from within the strip and surrounding areas. 

Rescue operations for injured soldiers May 2024 (IDF)

Last week's evacuations join the thousands of armored and mounted evacuations that have been carried out since the beginning of the war. The medical teams on the ground and in helicopters are trained to perform complex and life-saving operations under fire and when airborne.

The IDF's evacuation unit and Home Front Command Medical Center determine and plan the evacuation sites based on operational considerations with field personnel.