Hebrew University sees chants of 'In spirit and blood, we will redeem Al-Aqsa'

The protest was condemned by MK Avigdor Liberman and chairman of the National Union of Students, who called on the government to "join our struggle against terror in academia."

Protesters at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, May 28, 2024. (photo credit: Screenshot via Instagram/@yanalyabarin)
Protesters at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, May 28, 2024.
(photo credit: Screenshot via Instagram/@yanalyabarin)

The tension on campuses across the country following the current war refuses to subside, with a demonstration by students from the Hadash faction taking place at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Hadash is a left-wing political party in Israel that advocates for socialist and Arab-Jewish cooperation. Footage distributed on social media by KAN News has sparked widespread outrage online.

The protesters referred to the attack in Gaza on their posters, waving PLO flags while chanting slogans such as “In spirit and blood, we will redeem al-Aqsa” and “There is no solution except the expulsion of the occupier.” According to the organizers, the protest was described as “against the ongoing destruction and massacre of the Palestinian people.”

Meanwhile, the Im Tirtzu movement is holding another demonstration opposite the Hadash faction’s protest. Students are waving Israeli flags and singing the national anthem “Hatikvah” (The Hope).

Protest condemned by Liberman, Student Union Chairman 

Chairman of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, MK Avigdor Liberman, responded to the demonstration at the Hebrew University: “It is inconceivable that the Hebrew University allows a disgraceful demonstration of terror supporters, waving Palestinian flags in the heart of the university campus while our heroic soldiers are fighting on the battlefield. I call on the university heads to immediately suspend all the protesters, and if they choose not to take action against them, we will take all the steps available to us in the Knesset to delay all their budgets.”

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir also condemned the demonstration and praised the police officers who dispersed the protest. He called on Education Minister Yoav Kisch and university management to address the situation. 

The National Union of Students and Students’ chairman Elchanan Pellaheimer, stated: “What we see at the Hebrew University is unimaginable neglect. There is no choice but to promote legislation that will anchor the treatment and sanctions against inciters of terror, and we call on all relevant parties, first and foremost the members of the Knesset, to join our struggle against terror in academia.”