How the IDF has changed its way of operating in the West Bank since October 7 - analysis

The Shin Bet and the IDF changed their combat tactics, their intensity and frequency of activities.

 Israeli soldiers operate in Tulkarm, the West Bank, May 6, 2024 (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Israeli soldiers operate in Tulkarm, the West Bank, May 6, 2024

The IDF Central Command has changed its way of operating in the West Bank since October 7. The concept of warfare decided upon by the IDF and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) is to exert massive pressure on Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) within West Bank as well as on other local organizations.

The Shin Bet and the IDF changed their combat tactics, their intensity and frequency of activities. In parallel, it was decided to alter the operational geographical limitations of the forces.

For example, until October 7, activities in the city of Nablus, its Kasbah and the Balata refugee camp, would only be carried out with the approval of the political echelon - the defense minister and prime minister. Preparations for an action plan would last weeks and sometimes even a month or two. The performance of such an operation could only be given to the Yamam – the special forces unit of the Israel Police, Shayetet 13 troops, the Shaldag unite and at times the Duvdevan unite.

 IDF operates in West Bank. May 6, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
IDF operates in West Bank. May 6, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

Security forces carry out operations in Nablus and Balata

But now, every day, the IDF enters Nablus and Balata. On an almost daily basis, IDF soldiers visit the Kasbah of Nablus, but also Tulkarem, Jenin and other places where Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) has tried to push out the Palestinian Authority and maintain a grip on the area. 

To illustrate the change, on the eve of October 7, dozens of locals who organized themselves under the name "Lion's Den" acted in the Nablus sector and carried out a series of murderous attacks, most of them on traffic routes in the West Bank. In light of their success, Hamas sponsored them. As of today, the Shin Bet and the IDF have managed to use the "Lion's Den" organization.

A second area of focus is Jenin where about 150 terrorists operated as part of Hamas and the PIJ. The IDF and Shin Bet carry out a series of operations daily in addition to a high frequency of divisional operations. As a result, according to estimates, the number of active terrorists in the Jenin region as of today is of the order of magnitude that does not exceed forty.

Also in Tulkarm, security forces operated similarly last week. IDF Shin Bet Border Police officers completed a divisional operation which lasted four days and resulted in the elimination of more than 11 Hamas terrorists, the arrest of dozens and the seizure of many weapons.