Families of American hostages praise Biden's push for a deal, urge Hamas and Israel to accept terms

"Now is the time for all of us—governments, NGOs, celebrities, and concerned citizens everywhere—to use our voices and demand a deal before it is too late," the families said.  

 A demonstrator holds American and Israeli flags during a protest calling for the release of hostages, Tel Aviv on March 9. (photo credit: REUTERS/CARLOS GARCIA RAWLINS)
A demonstrator holds American and Israeli flags during a protest calling for the release of hostages, Tel Aviv on March 9.

Families of the eight American hostages in Gaza commended President Joe Biden for “boldly declaring that the time for a deal is now,” according to a statement released by a group representing the families.

“After 238 days since Hamas’s attack on Israel, its massacre of more than 1,200 people, among them 44 Americans, and the abduction of our loved ones, the world must now take every necessary step to end this brutal war and bring all the 125 hostages home from Gaza, including our family members," the statement said. 

As the President emphasized we cannot let this moment pass, the families said. 

Applying maximum pressure

The families said it’s imperative that the US along with those countries whose citizens are held hostage by Hamas and “all well-intended people” follow the US’s lead to apply maximum pressure on Hamas and Israel to accept the deal thereby ending the suffering of Gaza’s civilians and return their loved ones.

 US President Joe Biden attends the Friends of Ireland luncheon at the Capitol in Washington, US, March 15, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/KEVIN LAMARQUE)
US President Joe Biden attends the Friends of Ireland luncheon at the Capitol in Washington, US, March 15, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/KEVIN LAMARQUE)

“Now is the time for all of us – governments, NGOs, celebrities, and concerned citizens everywhere – to use our voices and demand a deal before it is too late,” the families said.