St.-Sgt Tzur Abraham, soldier in IDF Nahal Brigade, killed in southern Gaza

Abraham was among the twelve IDF soldiers killed over the past weekend.

Fallen soldier Tzur Abraham. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON UNIT)
Fallen soldier Tzur Abraham.

St.-Sgt Tzur Abraham, 22, from Modi'in, and combat soldier in the Nahal Brigade, was killed in combat in the southern Gaza Strip, the IDF announced on Sunday.

His family has been notified. 

Four other combat soldiers were seriously and moderately wounded in the incident in which Abraham was killed when the building they were searching for partially collapsed after an explosive device was set off.

The preliminary investigation

A preliminary investigation revealed that a unit from the Nahal Brigade was operating in the Shabura neighborhood of Rafah. While entering a house to search it, the soldiers noticed a hidden tunnel shaft in one of the rooms.

  IDF troops operate in the Gaza Strip. June 14, 2024.  (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
IDF troops operate in the Gaza Strip. June 14, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

As the soldiers approached the shaft, an explosion occurred. It is believed that an explosive device rigged the shaft and part of the building.

As a result of the explosion and the partial collapse of the building, four soldiers were injured.

Abraham was among twelve IDF soldiers killed over the past weekend.