Islamic Jihad sniper cell commander eliminated in IDF strike, Gaza operational activities continue

The IDF has eliminated insurgents and carried out precision strikes on armed terrorists over the last day.

 IDF operational activities in Gaza, 18 June 2024 (photo credit: IDF)
IDF operational activities in Gaza, 18 June 2024
(photo credit: IDF)

An IDF fighter jet, operating at the direction of troops on the ground, eliminated the commander of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad sniper cell, the IDF said on Tuesday morning.

Ground troops also identified and eliminated a terrorist cell advancing on their position.

Operational activities

IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip. June 18, 2024. (Credti: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

Separately, in the Rafah area, IDF soldiers continued operational activities, eliminating terrorists in several close-quarters engagements, the IDF added.

In one such encounter, the military reported that Israeli troops identified two terrorists with an explosive device. An aircraft subsequently targeted and killed the insurgents.

Photos of the weapons found by the fighters of the 401st Army (credit: IDF)
Photos of the weapons found by the fighters of the 401st Army (credit: IDF)

In Tel al-Sultan, fighters of the 401st Brigade's combat team encountered three armed terrorists. After liaising with the Israeli Air Force, a jet successfully struck the terrorists and eliminated them, the IDF added.

Immediately after, the forces entered the buildings the terrorists had come from and cleared them.

Operational activities in the Gaza strip 18 June 2024 (credit: IDF)
Operational activities in the Gaza strip 18 June 2024 (credit: IDF)

Separately, fighters eliminated terrorists who fired rockets and mortar bombs at the troops, and discovered an arsenal of grenades, weapons and short-range anti-tank missiles in the area.