Hamas leaders express readiness that Fatah should control Gaza civil administration - report

According to the report, the Hamas leaders were adamant that the security of the Strip remain in the hands of its Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades.

 Palestinian group Hamas' top leader, Ismail Haniyeh talks after meeting with Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri in Beirut, Lebanon June 28, 2021. (photo credit: REUTERS/AZIZ TAHER)
Palestinian group Hamas' top leader, Ismail Haniyeh talks after meeting with Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri in Beirut, Lebanon June 28, 2021.
(photo credit: REUTERS/AZIZ TAHER)

Hamas leaders met with Fatah officials in Doha some two weeks ago and expressed their willingness that Fatah control the Strip's civil administration after the war, according to Channel 12 on Thursday.

However, the report also claimed that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and senior Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya, who took part in the meeting, were adamant that the security of the Strip remains in the hands of its Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades.

Channel 12 further cited a source as saying that "Hamas is encouraged by its achievements on the battlefield since it still controls and is sovereign in the Strip."

Palestinian members of Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Hamas movement seen next to a memorial named “Shehab Field,” a drone made by al-Qassam, in Gaza City, September 21, 2022. (credit: ATTIA MUHAMMED/FLASH90)
Palestinian members of Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Hamas movement seen next to a memorial named “Shehab Field,” a drone made by al-Qassam, in Gaza City, September 21, 2022. (credit: ATTIA MUHAMMED/FLASH90)

The day after

The Channel 12 publication comes amid multiple reports regarding who will control the Strip the day after the war. 

According to the Qatari news site Al-Araby Al-Jadeed on Wednesday, Egypt agreed earlier in June to partake in an Arab security force in Gaza, with its troops being located in specific areas of the Strip. 

In Israel, both Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and MK Benny Gantz have affirmed the need for a day-after plan in Gaza.

Seth J. Frantzman and Maariv contributed to this report.