'You'll get married in Gaza': Hostage's sister receives chilling message from Hamas captivity

Despite her situation, Liri managed to send messages to her family via released hostages. She urged her sister not to cancel her post-army trip and humorously cautioned her not to touch her shoes.

 RAINDROPS FALL on a poster of hostage Liri Albag at a rally earlier this year in Yehud, near Tel Aviv.  (photo credit: Jonathan Shaul/Flash90)
RAINDROPS FALL on a poster of hostage Liri Albag at a rally earlier this year in Yehud, near Tel Aviv.
(photo credit: Jonathan Shaul/Flash90)

“The kidnappers subjected my sister to extreme psychological terror,” revealed Shai Albag in an interview on Sunday, describing the harrowing conditions her sister Liri Albag faces in Gaza.

Hamas terrorists told the hostages, “You will stay here forever [in Gaza], you will marry here [with Gazans], you are soldiers, they won’t release you alive.”

Shai Albag shared that these threats are part of a calculated strategy to break the hostages’ spirits.

The family learned about the psychological torture from hostages who had been released, mother Shiri said.

“The kidnappers employed extreme psychological terror,” she said, illustrating the daily horrors faced by Liri.

Despite her dire situation, Liri managed to send messages through released hostages. She urged her sister not to cancel her post-army trip and humorously cautioned her not to touch her favorite shoes.

 A screenshot from the video detailing kidanpping of IDF observers on October 7, 2023. (credit: screenshot)
A screenshot from the video detailing kidanpping of IDF observers on October 7, 2023. (credit: screenshot)

Shai: “She said, ‘Tell my sister not to cancel her post-army trip.’ She also said, ‘Tell my sister not to touch my shoes,’ because she knew I loved them and would ruin them.’”

Shira has been vocal about her daughter’s exploitation. Liri was forced to cook, clean, and care for children, often without being allowed to eat the food she prepared.

“Liri was moved between houses and had to take care of everything,” Shira recounted.

Liri Albag was abducted by Hamas on October 7 while serving at the Nahal Oz post. Her family has tirelessly fought for her return, with DNA evidence confirming her presence in Gaza and testimonies from released hostages providing further insight into her conditions.

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Her family has not received any direct communication from her since November, and they remain deeply concerned for her well-being.

The other female hostages abducted by Hamas

Liri Albag is one of several female hostages. Other hostages include Naama Levy, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, and Daniela Gilboa. These women were subjected to similar conditions of abuse and exploitation. Levy, the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, was seen in a viral Hamas video being brutally treated. Ariev was captured amid rocket fire and later seen wounded in a Hamas video. Berger, a talented violinist, was taken in her pajamas and appeared distraught in footage from her captors.

The families of these hostages continue to call for immediate action to secure their release. The government has been urged to prioritize negotiations to bring the hostages home. Berger’s father emphasized the need for both military pressure and negotiations, noting that the hostages cannot endure their captivity any longer.