Mother of two hostages in Gaza: 'I received a sign of life'

David and Ariel Cunio were abducted from Kibbutz Nir Oz, along with David's wife, Sharon, their three-year-old twin daughters, Emma and Yuli, and Arbel, Ariel's girlfriend.

 David and Ariel Cunio (photo credit: Canva, Hostages Families Forum)
David and Ariel Cunio
(photo credit: Canva, Hostages Families Forum)

Sylvia Cunio whose sons David and Ariel Cunio are being held hostage in Gaza, shared with Kan Reshet Bet that she recently received a sign of life from them.

“I heard from them not long ago. There is a sign of life. I jumped for joy. I’ve been waiting for them so long and want them with me already. I want to smell, hug, and kiss them,” she told Kan radio.

Reflecting on the prolonged conflict, Cunio expressed her desperation, saying, “I hope that this happens as soon as possible. 308 days of war is unbearable. We never thought it would last this long.”

She also mentioned during the radio interview that she has stopped watching the news, waiting instead for the moment her sons will be released.

“I believe it will happen. I want it more than anything, and I have had the greatest hope since October 7. My girls have been waiting so long, thinking, talking, and asking when the bad guys will release them. They were there and knew what it was like. Even though they are young, they understand everything,” imparted Cunio.

In a direct appeal to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who recently expressed regret over the events of October 7 in an interview with Time Magazine, Sylvia urged him to take action.

“Even if it was a mistake and he did not know, I want him to do something, to bring the children back, to bring everyone back. He should put himself in my shoes and think that those children are his,” she told Kan.

 Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu  (credit: REUTERS)
Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu (credit: REUTERS)

In his interview with Time Magazine, Netanyahu acknowledged the gravity of the October 7 massacre, expressing deep regret over the loss of life and the prolonged suffering of the hostages. He admitted that the government’s response had its shortcomings but emphasized that efforts were ongoing to secure the release of those held captive by Hamas.

The Cunio Family

David Cunio, 34, was abducted from his home in Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7 during a brutal attack by Hamas terrorists. He was taken hostage along with his wife, Sharon Aloni-Cunio, and their three-year-old twin daughters, Emma and Yuli. While Sharon and the girls were released in November 2023, David remains in captivity in Gaza.

David’s younger brother, Ariel Cunio, was also abducted from the same kibbutz on the same day, along with his girlfriend, Arbel Yehud. Both Ariel and Arbel remain in captivity in Gaza.

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The Cunio family has been profoundly affected by the ongoing situation, with Sylvia expressing the immense strain of not knowing the fate of her sons as the war continues to devastate families across Israel.