WATCH: IDF destroys kilometer-long Hamas terror tunnel in Rafah, finds explosives, blast doors

The IDF dismantled a one-kilometer Hamas terror tunnel in Rafah, Gaza, eliminating terrorists emerging from the tunnel shaft.

IDF destroys a one-kilometer-long Hamas terror tunnel in Rafah, Gaza Strip. (IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

The IDF dismantled a one-kilometer-long Hamas terror tunnel in the Rafah area in the Gaza Strip, the IDF reported on Friday midday.

Soldiers from the Southern Gaza Brigade, together with Combat Engineering Unit and Yahalom Unit soldiers located and destroyed a Hamas attack tunnel route in the Rafah area.

 IDF soldiers operate in Rafah, Gaza Strip, August 23, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
IDF soldiers operate in Rafah, Gaza Strip, August 23, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

The IDF further reported that in the past few weeks, the Hamas terror tunnel was investigated and explosives, electrical infrastructure, and blast doors were discovered along the tunnel.

Evidence of use of the terror tunnel

According to the IDF, on August 11, Observer soldiers from the Gaza Division identified a Hamas terrorist cell that emerged out of the tunnel shaft in the Rafah area to attack IDF soldiers.

Hamas terrorists emerge from a tunnel in Gaza, and are eliminated by IDF fire. (IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

The incident provided the IDF with evidence of ongoing terrorist activities in the area and continued use of underground facilities in the Gaza Strip, the report noted.

An IDF drone scans a Hamas terror tunnel in Rafah, Gaza Strip. (IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

The IDF added that following the identification of the terrorist cell emerging from the tunnel, IAF aircraft, directed by the Southern Gaza Brigade’s fire control center, eliminated the terrorists.