Over 3,500 pallets of Gaza-bound aid unloaded at Ashdod port

The aid, which had arrived from Cyprus aboard the American Cape Trinity on Thursday, contains food, water, and medical supplies.

Unloading of humanitarian aid destined for the Gaza Strip, transported via the maritime route from Cyprus to the Port of Ashdod. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Unloading of humanitarian aid destined for the Gaza Strip, transported via the maritime route from Cyprus to the Port of Ashdod.

Workers began unloading some 3,577 pallets of humanitarian aid bound for civilians in the Gaza Strip at the Port of Ashdod on Friday, Israel’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) announced.

The aid, which had arrived from Cyprus aboard the American Cape Trinity on Thursday, contains food, water, and medical supplies provided by the World Central Kitchen, the American Near East Refugee Aid, and the United States Agency for International Development.

The aid will be allowed to enter Gaza after it has cleared inspection, COGAT added.

The Israeli agency added that the aid delivery operation was “facilitated by the ongoing maritime aid transfers,” which have seen more than 750 trucks carry over 10,700 such pallets enter Gaza.

Nearly a million tons of aid delivered

According to COGAT, from the start of the war until this past Monday, 964.969.22 tons of humanitarian aid entered the Strip, the vast majority of it crossing over via land crossings.

Unloading of humanitarian aid destined for the Gaza Strip, transported via the maritime route from Cyprus to the Port of Ashdod. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Unloading of humanitarian aid destined for the Gaza Strip, transported via the maritime route from Cyprus to the Port of Ashdod. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

As of Monday, 5,845 tons of aid, carried by 480 trucks, had entered Gaza through the maritime route, according to the agency's website.

Another 6,959 tons of aid on 9,931 pallets have reportedly entered through the aerial route.

“The IDF, via COGAT, will continue to collaborate closely with international aid organizations to enable and facilitate the transfer of aid by sea, land, and air,” COGAT said.