Iranian media shifts focus to West Bank amid Israeli military changes and protests - analysis

Pro-Iranian media shifts focus to the West Bank, highlighting Israeli military changes and protests, while downplaying Gaza conflict coverage.

 ‘A MONSTER’ – Members of the IRGC attend a ground forces military drill in the East Azerbaijan province of Iran in 2022. (photo credit: IRGC/WANA (West Asia News Agency)/Handout via REUTERS)
‘A MONSTER’ – Members of the IRGC attend a ground forces military drill in the East Azerbaijan province of Iran in 2022.
(photo credit: IRGC/WANA (West Asia News Agency)/Handout via REUTERS)

Pro-Iranian media and Iranian state media have become increasingly focused on the West Bank, following an Israeli multi-pronged operation in the region designed to blunt the rise of Iranian-backed Palestinian terror groups that have increasingly threatened stability in the northern West Bank. This positions it as an important additional front against Israel.

The evidence for Iran’s shift in focus is that its state media is reporting less on Hamas claims of “success” in Gaza, and more on the battle in the West Bank. IRNA state media in Iran, for instance, yesterday reported that the IDF was involved in a raid in Kalkilya and had interrogated a “mosque preacher.”

The pro-Iranian Beirut-based Al-Mayadeen channel reported that “the resistance in the West Bank is engaged in fierce clashes in Jenin, Nablus, and Tulkarm, and continues to inflict heavy losses on the occupation in the epic ‘camp terror’ that has been ongoing for 7 days.” The report claimed that Iranian-backed terror groups such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad had continued to “ambush” IDF infantry and “rain” down bullets on the IDF. 

 Photos of IDF forces operating in the counter-terrorism operation in Jenin 1 September 2024 (credit: IDF)
Photos of IDF forces operating in the counter-terrorism operation in Jenin 1 September 2024 (credit: IDF)

It named the various units involved in the battles, including al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Jenin claimed various attacks, and a unit of PIJ in Tulkarm also did. Al-Mayadeen expressed concern that Israel might try to close the channel down in the West Bank. It reported on clashes in many areas, including at Bir Zeit University.

Iranian media seizes on Israeli military changes and protests

That same media is focused on Israeli voices as well, highlighting protests and opposition to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as what it labels as “settlers’” claims that there is no security in the West Bank and a “third intifada” is developing; Iran is trying to fuel this outcome.

Simultaneously, the pro-Iranian network reported as well on changes in Israel’s military brass. It shed light on the decision by the head of Israel’s Ground Forces to leave his position, as well as other recent changes since October 7, characterizing this as an “earthquake in the general staff.”

The pro-Iranian media would like to believe that Hamas and Iran and its proxies can take credit for this. Israel faced a major military disaster on October 7 but has since recovered. However, there are enduring questions about responsibility and whether key officials should resign. From the pro-Iran media perspective, every change in the officer corps is important and a sign that their October 7 attack has had long-term repercussions.