'Absence of command': IDF officer highlights security failures in Oct. 7 civilian probe testimony

"Had we waited for orders, there would not be anyone to save," Officer A said in his testimony.

 Photo of burnt cars from October 7 (photo credit: Screenshot/Instagram, ZIV KOREN)
Photo of burnt cars from October 7
(photo credit: Screenshot/Instagram, ZIV KOREN)

IDF active-duty officer A, who fought against Hamas in the Gaza border communities on October 7, criticized senior IDF leadership during his testimony before the October 7 civilian probe committee on Tuesday.

"Had we waited for orders, there would not be anyone to save. Those who determined the outcome of October 7 were the tactical, fighting forces," emphasized A. "We were told the border barrier was impenetrable above and below ground. As a result, we gradually stopped proactive operations in the area," A explained.

A further explained that the barrier misled the military, leading to reduced ground forces: "The intention was to use the infantry forces as a reserve only, minimize proactive operations, and reduce patrols along the fence to protect our troops. There was a heavy reliance on technological capabilities in the area. In reality, these assumptions did not hold up. In recent years, this has also been the approach in the north."

Dan Ronen at the civilian October 7 probe. 18 August 2024. (credit: CIVILIAN PROBE)
Dan Ronen at the civilian October 7 probe. 18 August 2024. (credit: CIVILIAN PROBE)

A further criticized IDF command, stating, "One of the lessons I took from October 7 was the absence of command and control. There was simply none, not at the division, brigade, or unit level. This caused insane friendly fire incidents that I only learned about a year later, not at the time."

Command failures

He explained that the senior military command did not function correctly: "I only realized that the Gaza Division was defeated four months later through a TV report. If we had waited for orders, no one would have been left to save.”

He concluded his testimony by emphasizing that “People simply took their equipment and engaged the enemy. I’ve never seen fighters charge forward like that to save lives."