Free at last: Yazidi woman held in Gaza finally leaves enclave

M., kidnapped from her home in Sinjar as a ten year old girl, was lured into Gaza and remained stuck there for years.

 M. and Steve Maman speaking for the first time after M left the Gaza Strip on her way back to her family. (photo credit: Courtesy)
M. and Steve Maman speaking for the first time after M left the Gaza Strip on her way back to her family.
(photo credit: Courtesy)

On September 3, The Jerusalem Post published the story of M., a Yazidi woman who was kidnapped from her home in Sinjar, Iraq, as an 11-year-old girl in 2014, forced to marry a Palestinian ISIS fighter, and then lured into Gaza, where she was subject to torture from her husband’s family, stranded and far from her family for years.

The Post can now confirm that following rigorous bureaucratic and diplomatic procedures and several failed attempts, M. has finally managed to leave the Gaza Strip. She is being treated at an American facility in the region and is making her way back to her family.

“The Jewish Schindler”

Steve Maman, the Canadian Jewish businessman popularly nicknamed “The Jewish Schindler” for his actions to rescue and aid thousands of Yazidis from ISIS captivity, pushed efforts behind the scenes. He described his feelings in a conversation with the Post.

“I’m feeling tired; this has been the most difficult rescue that I’ve ever taken part in. Many interactions were critical and hurtful, but the success of the mission is what heals you from these attacks. This, for me, is a ray of light. M. has a chance to rebuild her life. She was 11 years old when they took her, and no child chooses at that age to become a hostage at the hands of ISIS-Hamas.

This is what I would’ve done for anyone else, regardless of their religion, and this is what makes us special as Jews – we are able to look beyond the dry politics of a national who’s technically from a country that hates us and see the human aspect of life. We’re willing to help all people succeed.

 Blurred pic of M. (credit: Courtesy)
Blurred pic of M. (credit: Courtesy)

I must thank the US government, my contacts in the US, Iraq, Jordan, and Israel. I also want to thank Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Biden and the US administration, the UN, who helped by sending a secured ambulance, and everyone else who was involved in this operation. This is a happy occasion, but I can’t say I can celebrate wholeheartedly because I still have over 100 brothers and sisters sitting in dire situations in Gaza, and I will continue to act for their return in whichever way I can.”