Anti-Netanyahu protest org. claims right-wing activists harass Amir Haskel

Ein Matzav claims that the harassment was organized in advance by Netanyahu supporters.

Amir Haskel (C) with a shirt that says 'There is no way that a man indicted for corruption will serve as Prime Minister'  (photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI)
Amir Haskel (C) with a shirt that says 'There is no way that a man indicted for corruption will serve as Prime Minister'
(photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI)
One of the primary groups in organizing protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, "Ein Matzav" (No Way), claimed on Friday that right-wing activists have been arriving at the protests to purposefully harass one of the movement's primary leaders, former Brig.-Gen. Amir Haskel, N12 reported. 
In one incident, a young man was documented in a video obtained by N12 shouting at Haskel on Gaza Street near the prime minister's official residence on Balfour Street, where anti-Netanyahu protests have been recurring for months.
"You are a despicable and accursed man who spreads diseases in the State of Israel, your family will be cursed. You take advantage of the fact that you were a lieutenant general, a  pilot of a truck," the man can be heard yelling. 
Ein Matzav claimed that the harassment was organized in advance by Netanyahu supporters, according to N12. They added that despite the harassment having occurred in an open area, the police have done nothing. Haskel intends to file a formal complaint with the police next week. 
On Friday morning it was reported that a man in Tel Aviv was arrested on suspicion of threatening to hurt protesters with a knife on Thursday night, according to police reports. 
N12 reported that videos which circulated on social media of the man's arrest showed him wielding a knife while being detained by security forces. The man is seen attempting to hit the photographer from inside the apartment where he was staying.  
Police suspended the man's arrest on Friday for three days. 
The suspect's lawyer claimed that the man was wielding the knife out of self defense.