Clashes erupt overnight between Palestinians, Israeli security forces

Fireworks, Molotov cocktails thrown at Israeli security forces • Red Crescent: 24 arrested in Jerusalem • Suspected infiltration in Samaria settlement.

 Israeli police officers guard during clashes with protesters at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem's Old City, on the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, April 4, 2022. (photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
Israeli police officers guard during clashes with protesters at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem's Old City, on the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, April 4, 2022.
(photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

Clashes broke out in the areas of Jenin, the Avnei Hefetz settlement northwest of Nablus, Bethlehem and Jerusalem throughout Monday evening and Tuesday overnight. 

Palestinians threw Molotov cocktails and clashed with Israeli security forces near Jenin, with one seriously injured, and near Bethlehem, where the IDF entered the village of Beit Fajjar to make arrests, Palestinian media reported. Residents of the Efrat settlement were told to remain in their homes until their safety could be ensured. 

Elsewhere, after Ramadan prayers in Jerusalem's Old City, clashes broke out between Arabs and Israeli security forces in the area of Damascus Gate, with the Red Crescent reporting 24 arrests by the end of the night. Arab protesters reportedly threw fireworks, stones and Molotov cocktails at police.  

Someone sitting in a car outside the Avnei Hefetz settlement fired in its direction, the IDF confirmed on Tuesday morning. Israeli security forces are looking for the perpetrator.  

 Israeli police officers guard during clashes with protesters at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem's Old City, on the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, April 4, 2022. (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
Israeli police officers guard during clashes with protesters at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem's Old City, on the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, April 4, 2022. (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

The incident comes amid high tensions in the region following a string of deadly terror attacks that claimed the lives of 11 Israelis.

On Sundy, Border Policemen arrested a man suspected of plotting an attack against Israeli civilians.