Open investigation into Netanyahu-Channel 14 connections -Zehava Galon

One of the prime candidates for leadership of the Meretz Party, she dubbed the new findings "Case 14,000."

 Zehava Galon, former head of the Meretz party. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Zehava Galon, former head of the Meretz party.
(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)

Former Meretz Party leader Zehava Galon submitted a request to Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara to open a criminal investigation against opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu, on suspicion of committing fraud, bribery and breach of trust involving the political use of Channel 14 for his personal benefit.

Galon, a candidate for the leadership of Meretz, dubbed the new findings “Case 14,000.”

“Netanyahu has learned nothing from his past crimes, and continues to run over the law in an attempt to return to power and destroy Israeli democracy,” she said.

Galon’s allegations followed publication in Israeli media that revealed how Channel 14 was used as a conduit to transmit Netanyahu’s messages, through a “message page,” while being guided from above.

“This is the 14,000 case, a case for whom he should be brought to justice,” said Galon. “The legal adviser to the government should do her job and order a new criminal investigation in his case. The Israeli viewer is exposed every day to a despicable propaganda channel that operates on behalf of a criminal defendant. Instead of trying to take control through alleged bribery of the media, he built a channel for himself that violates every rule established by law.”


"This is the 14,000 case, a case for whom he should be brought to justice. The legal adviser to the government should do her job and order a new criminal investigation in his case."

Zehava Galon

Attorney Dafna Holtz Lachner, who submitted the request to the legal advisor to the government on behalf of Galon, said that “from the published facts, it appears that Netanyahu is operating with the same method and in the same way as he operated and did according to what is alleged in the indictment in the 2000 case.

He does all of this while making improper use of his power and influence over another media outlet for the purpose of promoting and strengthening his political power, while defaming and weakening his political opponents. It is as if he has learned nothing from currently being on trial for the same serious offenses that involve defamation.”