A group of 22 IDF officers from throughout Israel were flown to Budapest this week to participate in a seminar on Herzl's life, leadership and Zionism.
The group – flown out by World Zionist Organization executive and head of their Department of Organization Gusti Yehoshua Braverman – moved through the different central points in Herzl's life, all the while learning about Diaspora Jewry, Zionism and leadership.
The "Leadership Sees the Future Journey," as the program is called, deals with the importance of formulating a Zionist vision even today, and presents the commanders with a challenge in implementing it within the framework of their role in the IDF today.
Col. Yaron Simsolo, commander of the 646th battalion, led the delegation made up of two teams, mostly fighters, whose trip was in partnership with the IDF Education and Youth Corps for the first time ever.
Prof. Ariel Feldstein, alongside Braverman, guided the group through a historical overview during the trip as a method of strengthening the command responsibility of the participants, as well as conducting a discussion of contemporary questions on the issues of Zionism today, all the while meeting the Zionist idea at its inception to the present day.
What was the goal of the trip?
One of the main goals of the journey was to strengthen the sense of mission and motivation to continue service in the IDF for all the participants present.