MDA prepares for Yom Kippur, adds new emergency calls plan

Every year, thousands of people require the services of MDA during Yom Kippur because of the heat, fasting, dehydration, injuries on bikes and more.

Magen David Adom has used GIS technology as the backbone of its cutting-edge dispatch center, as well as its consumer emergency  and first-responder phone apps. (photo credit: MAGEN DAVID ADOM)
Magen David Adom has used GIS technology as the backbone of its cutting-edge dispatch center, as well as its consumer emergency and first-responder phone apps.
(photo credit: MAGEN DAVID ADOM)

Magen David Adom stations around the country will receive backup paramedics, ambulances, intensive care units and emergency motorbikes on Yom Kippur, in order to be prepared to give emergency care to the sick and injured that are expected to need assistance.

As is the case every year, thousands of people are expected to require the services of MDA during Yom Kippur because of the heat, fasting, dehydration, injuries on bikes and more.

As well as the backup, MDA workers who will be in synagogues will be supplied with emergency tools including defibrillators so that they can help people who may experience emergencies while praying.

How does Yom Kippur usually look for MDA? 

Every year, MDA gets more than 2,000 calls for medical care on Yom Kippur, and this year, they are expecting a similar amount and are asking Israel's citizens to be careful and responsible.

 Magen David Adom emergency app (credit: MAGEN DAVID ADOM)
Magen David Adom emergency app (credit: MAGEN DAVID ADOM)

Most of the patients who need help are people who are fasting, children riding bikes and scooters, children who are playing without adult supervision and women giving birth.

In addition, the gabbai'im in synagogues were asked to prepare a smartphone for emergencies in the synagogues so that MDA can be called if necessary.

"Aside from introspection, fasting and prayers, it's important to listen to safety instructions on Yom Kippur," said MDA Director-General Eli Bean.

"I'm calling on all Israel's citizens to be careful - in the road, in the synagogues, at home and in the public spaces."

MDA Director-General Eli Bean

He added that it's important to drink plenty before the fast and make sure to help the elderly and children.