'Eyal Golan heard us screaming' - sexual assault victims speak out

Golan denied the claims that he was aware of his friend sexually assaulting girls in the Eyal Golan Affair.

Protest outside Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court amid hearing on suit against Eyal Golan, March, 2021 (photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/MAARIV)
Protest outside Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court amid hearing on suit against Eyal Golan, March, 2021

Two of the young women who were sexually assaulted in the Eyal Golan Affair, anonymously going by the names N and T, reported in an investigation on sexual relations they had with the famous singer after he texted them to come meet him.

"We were afraid to speak, and apparently one of the symptoms of [sexual assault] victims is self-blame. But we did not forget. We repressed for many years. Now after all these years we are strong to tell it as it was: extreme brutal rape."

N and T

Now in their renewed investigation, they have added details to the incidents, revealing the details in their interviews with Israel's Channel 12.

They explained that after having sex with Golan in the famed incident in Eilat, they "hadn't had time to finish showering when Eyal entered the room with [beep] and said, 'This is my friend that I demand you pamper.'"

After that, Golan's friend grabbed N while she was bent over the clothes, threw her on the bed and got on top of her, according to the victims. "She resisted with all her might and he got angry with her," T explained. "He left her, grabbed me with all his weight and all his strength, he forcefully penetrated me. He didn't stop and he continued and it didn't interest him that it hurt me. He grabbed me by the arms and paralyzed me with his hands. He raped me."

Israeli singer Eyal Golan performs at the Arena Stadium in Jerusalem on December 6, 2021. (credit: Arie Leib Abrams/Flash90)
Israeli singer Eyal Golan performs at the Arena Stadium in Jerusalem on December 6, 2021. (credit: Arie Leib Abrams/Flash90)

At the same time, according to N, Golan's former manager Benny Peretz as well as Golan were outside the door and heard everything that was happening. When asked if Golan said anything to them, they explained that they didn't wait around to find out, but rather ran the moment they could.

This delicate operation was revealed nine years ago when it became apparent that there was a well-oiled machine taking young fans of Golan, some minors, who came from broken homes. These young women were made to understand that in order to be close to Golan, they would have to sexually satisfy his friends as well. 

Golan then denied the details and claimed that he did not know about the connections of his associates with the girls and was not connected to that operation.

Re-opening of the investigation

However, now the investigation has been reopened at the request of the victims who claim that there are cases that have not been investigated. In the interview with Channel 12, they explained why they hadn't brought these cases up in the initial investigation in 2012.

"We were afraid to speak, and apparently one of the symptoms of [sexual assault] victims is self-blame," they said. "But we did not forget. We repressed for many years. Now after all these years we are strong to tell it as it was: extreme brutal rape."

In the renewed investigation, there are supposed to be about ten interviews with suspects who have not been investigated at all so far, and also with Golan himself, who did not confront any of the complainants in 2013.

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Eyal Golan's defense

Tal Gabay, Golan's lawyer, said that we "must not give a platform to the false accusations of N and T which are in complete contradiction to the detailed version provided by the two in their investigation by the police in 2013, in which they claimed a relationship that they had consensually and on their own initiative, being over the age of consent."

He continued, "For example, referring to the claim regarding the incident in Eilat, we emphasize that according to the testimony of T and N the day after the day they claim they were raped by Eyal's friend, they spent a romantic evening in the jacuzzi at that person's house, which in one way contradicts the claims they made. Also, Eyal knows nothing at all of a 'gang rape' while he was in the apartment in Holon and it can be assumed that this is yet another false testimony on their part.

It should be emphasized that in Golan's case it was determined by the police and the prosecutor's office that the evidence given in his case in 2013 was false and therefore the case was closed

Tal Gabay, Golan's lawyer

"The change in their version now is due to their desire to create leverage to receive funds as part of the civil lawsuit filed by them," he concluded. "It should be emphasized that in Golan's case it was determined by the police and the prosecutor's office that the evidence given in his case in 2013 was false and therefore the case was closed. We demand that in addition to closing the case due to lack of guilt, criminal proceedings will be taken against T and N due to the filing of false complaints and that they will not be treated with leniency as was done in the past regarding false testimonies given."