The 'Waze' of the mall

  (photo credit: EYAL KEREN)
(photo credit: EYAL KEREN)

The Ofer mall chain is launching an innovative navigation system within the chain's malls, to improve the entertainment and shopping experience of its customers and provide additional value services for the tenants. The investment in the system is estimated at about 600 thousand NIS.

The system was implemented in the 'My Ofer' application in the group's 14 indoor malls, and is in the process of being implemented in 4 of the open air Ofer malls as well. The system detects the real time location of visitors using advanced digital tools and smart technologies that allow visitors to easily navigate between the various stores, places of entertainment and attractions in the mall.

This is one of the most advanced and innovative navigation systems in the world. It offers a variety of capabilities that help locate specific stores and places of entertainment in the mall with quick accessibility and routes to points of interest. It also provides up-to-date information in real time about events and places of entertainment in the mall while providing personalized value propositions through accurate location and time-based advertising. the app provides  information on promotions, benefits and a has a variety of other gamification options.

Credit - PREnlrage image
Credit - PR

Through the system, it will be possible to offer mall tenants a wide variety of innovative value proposals. They will be able to comunicate with mall visitors in accordance with the shoppers location and personal preferences by using the measurement of "physical conversion ratio" (the amount of people passing by the store versus the amount of people entering). Sellers will be able to optimize allocated time for shopping and more.

According to Itai Banyan, Vice President of Business Development and Innovation at Melisron Group: "The new system will make it possible to improve the experience of shopping and spending time in malls, and to offer tailored value promotions. It will also produce qualitative data that will be able to assist in making operational and marketing decisions, while maintaining the privacy of the users."

Banyan also said: "Approximately 70 million visits per year are made to the 18 Ofer malls. We are the first group in Israel to implement one of the best and most advanced navigation systems in the world in all of the chain's malls. We are constantly testing new technologies. We have tested different navigation system for about a year and a half, including Augmented reality-based systems, and finally chose a navigation system from an international company. The system is user-friendly and one of the most advanced and best available that currently operates in airports, train stations and shopping malls around the world including Formula 1 racing complexes."