Ben & Jerry’s to offer free ice cream for all security, rescue personnel

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

Ben & Jerry’s is now offering free ice cream to all security and rescue personnel in uniform, including soldiers, police officers, MDA medics, firefighters, and ZAKA members, in all of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream parlors.

The offer started on Wednesday, October 18, and will continue for a month.

The ice cream company has two stores, in Yavne and in Beer Tuviya.

  (credit: PR)
(credit: PR)

Its factory in southern Israel has continued to operate in order to make sure its ice creams can still be enjoyed nationwide.

In addition, Ben & Jerry’s has been distributing its ice creams to evacuees from the South who are staying at hotels across the country, patients in hospitals, MDA staff, soldiers at IDF bases and others.