'He could have done anything,' says the father of a fallen IDF soldier 

Staff Sergeant Mivtach, who served in the IDF's 9th Armored Battalion of the 401st Brigade, became the 34th soldier to be killed in the current ground operation in Gaza.

Staff Sergeant Shahar Cohen Mivtach (22), was killed in combat in the Gaza Strip. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON UNIT)
Staff Sergeant Shahar Cohen Mivtach (22), was killed in combat in the Gaza Strip.

"He was a young person who wanted to conquer the world, and the whole world was before him," Dr. Erez Cohen Mivtach solemnly reflected on the life of his son, 22-year-old St.-Sgt. Shahar Cohen Mivtach, who was killed in combat in the Gaza Strip, during an interview with Army Radio on Monday.

Mivtach, who served in the IDF's 9th Armored Battalion of the 401st Brigade, became the 34th soldier to be killed in the current ground operation in Gaza.

His death was confirmed by IDF officials, but specifics of the incident were not provided to the family. "We know that it happened yesterday at a quarter to four. That's all," Mivtach disclosed in a heartrending interview on army radio.

Shahar's service was near its end, with his discharge set for later this month followed by a family trip to Thailand. His return to active duty came abruptly during a period of leave.

Mivtach felt positive about his duty defending Israel

The last conversation between Shahar and his family was one of reassurance; he managed to call and express his feelings of safety and positivity about his duties.

  (credit: INGIMAGE)
(credit: INGIMAGE)

Through the interview, Mivtach offered insights into his son's character, recalling his journey from a student with little interest in academics to a thoughtful and ambitious young man with plans for the future. "He had this organized plan that he started already during vacation," his father said, conveying a sense of the disciplined and goal-oriented person Shahar had become.

Shahar's funeral took place on Monday in his hometown of Carmiel. Mivtach's substantial words stand as a tribute to his son: "He could have done anything that he wanted to do."

The Jerusalem Post and OneFamily are working together to help support the victims of the Hamas massacre and the soldiers of Israel who have been drafted to ensure that it never happens again.

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