Israel's Knesset marks 100 days of hostages' Gaza captivity in exhibit

"For a hundred days now, our sisters and brothers have been kidnapped by the terrorist organizations in Gaza."

The entrance to the Knesset building with "The Yellow Line" display, January 14, 2024 (photo credit: NOAM MOSCOWITZ/KNESSET SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
The entrance to the Knesset building with "The Yellow Line" display, January 14, 2024

The Knesset held a display and performance in front of the Israeli parliament building to signify 100 days of hostage captivity by Hamas on Sunday.

In front of the Parliamentary hall and along the area of the access path to the Knesset, The extensive "The Yellow Line" performance by the environmental artist Doron Gazit was arranged, including 250 meters of huge and winding yellow air sleeves, symbolizing the struggle to return the abducted.

In addition, at 2:30 p.m., Knesset workers released 136 yellow balloons in Mishkan Square, one balloon for every remaining hostage.

Knesset speaker recites prayer for return of Gaza hostages

The Speaker of the Knesset, Amir Ohana, spoke at the event and said: "For a hundred days now, our sisters and brothers have been kidnapped by the terrorist organizations in Gaza, and the Knesset, along with the entire people of Israel, has joined the national efforts for their return.

We will carry from here a prayer that will rise above and beyond, that each one of them will soon return safe and sound to their homes, and we say Amen."

 Knesset workers release 136 balloons to signify the hostages in captivity, January 14, 2024 (credit: NOAM MOSHKOWITZ/KNESSET SPOKESPERSON)
Knesset workers release 136 balloons to signify the hostages in captivity, January 14, 2024 (credit: NOAM MOSHKOWITZ/KNESSET SPOKESPERSON)

Dozens of pedestrians stopped next to the performance, gathered, and took pictures near it. The performance will remain in place for viewing on Monday as well.

Additionally, the "yellow line" will be placed in other central places in Israel and around the world to mark the 100th day of the war with Hamas and the captivity of the hostages.

Sunday evening, the face of the Knesset tabernacle will be painted yellow, and a yellow beam of light will be projected from the tabernacle roof to the sky.