US political leaders visit Israel on CAM solidarity mission to combat antisemitism, strengthen ties

Two bipartisan American delegations visited Israel in June led by the Combat Antisemitism Movement, aiming to strengthen ties and understand the challenges of post-Hamas' invasion on October 7.

 Sasha Roitman-Dratwa, CEO of CAM (photo credit: RUTHE ZUNTZ)
Sasha Roitman-Dratwa, CEO of CAM
(photo credit: RUTHE ZUNTZ)

Two bipartisan delegations of American mayors and state lawmakers came to Israel for missions organized by the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM,) the organization announced in June.

The trips aimed to express solidarity with Israel, strengthen bilateral ties, and deepen understanding of the challenges Israel faces after Hamas invaded Israel, killed over 1,200 and kidnapped 250 people on October 7.

The first delegation, which visited from June 4-11, included 13 US municipal leaders who met Israeli officials, visited historical and religious sites, and interacted with local communities to discuss municipal governance and community relations.

Following this, from June 9-14, a bipartisan group of 15 state legislators, including Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears, Sen. Daniel Dawson, Rep. Randy Fine, Sen. Robby Mills, and Rep. Christopher Todd, visited Israel with CAM, focusing on state-level policies, economic partnerships, and educational collaborations. Their mission included exploring strategies to combat antisemitism within their respective states.

countering misinformation

 MOURNERS VISIT the site of the Nova festival massacre, in Re’im forest, near the Israel-Gaza border. It’s also vital to acknowledge the thousands of survivors who are struggling, the writer asserts. (credit: YOSSI ALONI/FLASH90)
MOURNERS VISIT the site of the Nova festival massacre, in Re’im forest, near the Israel-Gaza border. It’s also vital to acknowledge the thousands of survivors who are struggling, the writer asserts. (credit: YOSSI ALONI/FLASH90)

"It is crucial that we promote understanding and fight against the spread of misinformation and hate," CAM cited Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears of Virginia in their statement. "By learning about Israel's vibrant diversity and the complex realities I just witnessed, we can better understand and combat antisemitism disguised as criticism of Israel. As state leaders, we have a responsibility to stand up against hatred and bigotry in all its forms.”

Concerning the series of missions, CAM CEO Sasha Roitman-Dratwa noted, "Mayors and state legislators are on the frontlines of fighting antisemitism and building more inclusive communities at the local level."

"By providing these leaders with the opportunity to visit Israel, learn about its vibrant diversity, and make person-to-person connections, we can effectively counter misinformation about Israel while combating antisemitism at the grassroots level,” he added.

The delegations also provided a platform for mutual learning and solidarity among American leaders, culminating in visits to significant sites related to the October 7 massacre. CAM's Chief Government Affairs Officer Lisa Katz stressed the mission's role in countering global misinformation and enhancing awareness of antisemitism.

According to their statement, CAM believes these initiatives are crucial in shaping public opinion, policies, and educational efforts across American communities, fostering a deeper understanding of Israel and its challenges. These efforts aim to strengthen international partnerships and combat antisemitism effectively at grassroots levels.