Can't get rid of your old stuff? Here are some options

Want to get rid of the clutter but don't know how or what option is best? We've got you covered!

 Young woman watching movie with headphones in messy room (photo credit: PEXELS)
Young woman watching movie with headphones in messy room
(photo credit: PEXELS)

So often, we look around and simply see too much stuff

After all, a cluttered life means a cluttered mind, and while it’s important to let go, sometimes, we need to find other solutions.

Sometimes, we hold onto stuff because of an attachment. Other times, it’s out of a desire to produce less trash. Either way, the result is the same: We're surrounded by mountains of useless junk.

So how do you get rid of old stuff without simply throwing it away? 

That’s exactly what we’re here to answer!

 Israeli citizens pack donations of food and other necessities for the Israeli soldiers and citizens in the south, in Tel Aviv, October 15, 2023. (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)
Israeli citizens pack donations of food and other necessities for the Israeli soldiers and citizens in the south, in Tel Aviv, October 15, 2023. (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)

By finding other solutions, you're taking control of your space and your impact on the environment.

What are some general options for getting rid of items I no longer need?

One option is to donate. Especially now, when our country is at war, there are so many communities in need, whether they be the families of reservists, displaced families from the North and South, or small business owners who cannot function under the current pressures. Many people today are in need, and many people in Israel, thankfully, are generous.

While charities and thrift stores throughout the country always take donations to sell for cheaper to the needy, Israel also has drop-off boxes for clothes to be given away entirely.

Another option is to sell. Online marketplaces like Facebook Marketplace, eBay, Yad2, and more allow you to sell your stuff quickly and easily.

You can also recycle. Many communities have centers that accept items like electronics, batteries, and large appliances. Israel also has recycling bins distributed nationwide for textiles, paper, plastic, and glass.

How can I sell items online?

Everybody’s been there. You look at the living room tables at your local furniture store and see some outrageous prices. You love IKEA, but you want something sturdier.

So where do you look? Why, secondhand sellers online, of course!

Israel has a very active Facebook Marketplace scene and is incredibly easy to use. Simply start a new listing, list all the required information, and add some clear photos. The social media giant will do the rest.

 A Facebook logo is displayed on a smartphone in this illustration taken January 6, 2020 (credit: REUTERS/DADO RUVIC)
A Facebook logo is displayed on a smartphone in this illustration taken January 6, 2020 (credit: REUTERS/DADO RUVIC)

Another option is the Israeli secondhand-selling website Yad2, which is also an incredibly active platform.

Finally, you can’t go wrong with eBay!

All of these websites have very clear and easy-to-follow instructions on the “New Listing” page. From there, it’s a snap of your fingers before you have messages and calls coming up the wazoo asking to come pick up whatever you’re trying to sell.

What can I do with old electronics?

Old electronics are always difficult to give up. The number of people with junk drawers of old cell phones is staggering. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Electronics can easily be recycled. Israel has electronic recycling by law in the hands of the original seller of the product—most of the time for free, though businesses are permitted to charge a fee as long as they are notified in advance.

If you don’t want to recycle it, you can simply donate them to a good cause at charity and thrift shops nationwide.

We also recommend looking to your local lone soldier organization and asking if they need anything.

Another option is to sell the items. Some companies will buy back for a fraction of the original price, but most of the time, secondhand selling online is the way to go.

Are there specific programs for donating large items like furniture?

While some local charities may have furniture donation programs, no overarching national furniture donation program exists.

That being said, there are always good causes looking for donated furniture. Facebook is the way to find them. Secret Tel Aviv, Secret Jerusalem, and Secret so-and-so are the best places to check, depending on your locality.

A man holds a book over a cardboard box (Illustrative) (credit: PEXELS)
A man holds a book over a cardboard box (Illustrative) (credit: PEXELS)

What should I do with old books?

First, try pawning them off on friends! You’d be surprised how many people love a good old vintage book.

But if your friends aren’t the borderline-hoarding type, you can donate them to charities or secondhand book shops – a very commonplace storefront to find in many cities throughout Israel – or sell them like you would, as mentioned above.

Finally, try a book swap! Many people want to read what you’ve already gone through, and it’s highly likely that they have a book you want to read and haven’t gotten yet. Trade them and enjoy your new book.