Indictment filed against soccer coach Haim Sirotkin for running over Kaplan protesters

Sirotkin was in the car with his wife and two other individuals, where they engaged in verbal confrontations and reportedly insulted protesters. 

 Haim Sirotkin, the driver who is suspected of running over protesters is being arrested by police, during a demonstration calling for the release of Israeli hostages held in the Gaza Strip and against the current Israeli government, in Tel Aviv on April 6, 2024.  (photo credit: ERIK MARMOR/FLASH90)
Haim Sirotkin, the driver who is suspected of running over protesters is being arrested by police, during a demonstration calling for the release of Israeli hostages held in the Gaza Strip and against the current Israeli government, in Tel Aviv on April 6, 2024.
(photo credit: ERIK MARMOR/FLASH90)

Israel's State Attorney's Office submitted an indictment to the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court against 53-year-old soccer coach Haim Sirotkin, Israeli media reported Wednesday.

Sirotkin is accused of injuring five protesters with his car during a rally in Tel Aviv in early April. The indictment followed the prosecutor's office's rejection of the defense's claims at an initial hearing, KAN noted.

The indictment was filed by attorney Nitzan Friedman of the Tel Aviv District Attorney's Office. The indictment lists the incident as occurring on April 6 during a protest at the intersection of Kaplan and Menachem Begin street in Tel Aviv, a frequent location of protests that draws thousands of Israelis. 

Sirotkin and his wife, reportedly insulted and verbally confronted protesters

Sirotkin was in the car with his wife and two other individuals, where they engaged in verbal confrontations and reportedly insulted protesters. 

A police officer noticed the confrontation and instructed Sirotkin to exit the intersection. Sirotkin originally complied, but suddenly, accelerated the vehicle and swerved, driving erratically towards Shaul Hamelech Street until he was stopped. 

 Haim Sirotkin, driver who is suspected of running over protesters last night during a demonstration calling for the release of Israeli hostages held in the Gaza Strip and against the current Israeli government, arrives for a court hearing at the Magistrate's Court in Tel Aviv on April 7, 2024. (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)
Haim Sirotkin, driver who is suspected of running over protesters last night during a demonstration calling for the release of Israeli hostages held in the Gaza Strip and against the current Israeli government, arrives for a court hearing at the Magistrate's Court in Tel Aviv on April 7, 2024. (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)

While Sirotkin was driving recklessly, he injured five protesters

Charges filed against Sirotkin include recklessness, negligence, and causing harm. The attorney's office also requested that the court extend restrictions on Sirotkin until the end of legal proceedings, including a travel ban and suspending his driver's license, KAN noted in their report.