Mothers of combat soldiers to establish legal consultation for Gaza war soldiers

'Mothers of Warriors' has started a legal counseling system for soldiers fighting in Gaza , offering initial legal aid to those worried about potential legal actions for battlefield duties.

 IDF soldiers operate in Rafah, Gaza Strip, July 15, 2024 (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
IDF soldiers operate in Rafah, Gaza Strip, July 15, 2024

The 'Mothers of Warriors' organization has begun establishing an initial legal counseling system on Sunday for soldiers fighting in Operation Swords of Iron, according to the report from Walla.

The system, which is currently being set up, will offer initial legal assistance to soldiers who are returning from the battlefield and express concerns about possible legal actions that might be taken against them for actions they were required to perform in the field, including all stages of of the war.

As part of the system, initial legal counseling will be provided by experienced lawyers specializing in criminal law and international law, who will be able to offer personalized advice to each soldier.

What will this system include?

The system will include initial phone calls, personal meetings, and connections with other organizations operating in the field to ensure that the soldiers receive the necessary assistance.

Adv. Yifat Ziner, whose son serves in the Combat Engineering Corps and is a leading activist in 'Mothers of Warriors,' says: "To our regret and astonishment, we are witnessing a serious and dangerous trend where law enforcement authorities and/or other bodies, from Israel or abroad, are trying to incriminate our fighters, who for over nine months have been giving their all to the important mission of bringing back the hostages and defeating the terrorists."

  IDF troops operate in the Gaza Strip. July 14, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
IDF troops operate in the Gaza Strip. July 14, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

"The purpose of these proceedings is clear - to make IDF soldiers hesitate in their actions on the battlefield, thereby endangering them. This is why we established the legal headquarters, to support the fighters who are required to deal with very harsh combat conditions, complex missions, and many dangers around them, including the embedding of terrorists within the civilian population.

"The 'Mothers of Warriors' organization will do everything to provide IDF soldiers and fighters with backing and reinforcement, including on the legal front."